LOOK AMANDA!!! A new quiz!!!! lol.

Feb 07, 2005 04:08

[my name is]: Joe
[people call me]: Jojo, Bobo, Chiajo, Chuckie, Chaz...Wubbles!!!!!
[in the morning]: I usually roll over, look at my clock and smack it cuz I am trying to turn the alarm off..lol. Then I fall back alseep and wake up 10 mins before I should be leaving..lol.
[love is]: the most precious and fantastic thing!
[if i could see one person right now]: my Alex!
[tall or short]: I'm short-ish...yes...*shifty eyes*
[born]: April 27th, 1985
[shoe]: 9-11 (Depends on the shoe)
[school]: Currently plugging along...lol.
[sibs]: NONE!!!
[righty or lefty]: Righty!!

H A V E ~ Y O U ~ E V E R
[been in love]: I am currently
[lied]: Yes
[given someone a bath]: Yeppers.
[smoked]: Yes.
[bungee jumped]: Nope.
[broken the law]: Yepp.
[skinny dipped]: heh..yes.
[cried to get out of trouble]: When I was younger
[fallen for the wrong girl/guy]: *Raises an eyebrow* I could say yes b/c I have exes...? Is that what this means? lol.
[cut your own hair]: Once.
[been mean]: *nods* yeppers.
[stalked someone]: LOL!!! I stalk Nicole all the time!!!
[been sarcastic]: *Laughs* No, I haven't! <----- Oh look, right there!!!! I just did it.
[talked to someone]: Ummm....if I didn't, I think I would go CRAZY!!!
[hugged someone]: Yeppers
[fought with parents]: Oh ya.
[skipped school]: Yepp.
[kept a secret from everyone]: Yeppers.
[had an imaginary friend]: When I was a little one, yes I did!
[wanted to hook up w/ a friend]: No. That would ruin the friendship
[Cried during a flick]: Yepps.

W i T H ~ T H E ~ O P P O S i T E ~ O R ~ S A M E S E X
[what do u notice first?]: The eyes!
[turn on-looks]: That's for me and my lover to know and you not to know!!!
[turn on-personality]: Lalala....no comment.
[turn off-looks]: Same as above.
[turn off-personality]: Liers.
[colouring]: ummm..whatever?
[hair length]: Short I like.
[best height]: Taller than me!
[best weight]: Meh..whatever.
[best article of clothing]: Hmmm...tight muscle like shirts *drool*

[last called]: My mom.
[last emailed]: A rp buddy.
[last mailed letter]: To my old best friend's parents....*sighs and whimpers*
[went to the mall w/ u]: Alex, Young and Amanda.
[makes you laugh the most?]: Alex, Remy, Nicole and Lynz
[makes you smile]: Alex.
[easier to talk to: boys or girls ?]: Girls.
[have you known the longest]: Lauren!! I MISS YOU!!! *Makes threats for you to come back under his breath*
[do you cry with]: my Goober-bear!

W O R D ~ A S S O C i A T i O N
[red]: wine
[cow]: chicken
[grass]: green
[blue]: sky
[mirror]: image
[cracker]: jack
[zine]: huh?
[jelly]: beans

T H i S ~ O R ~ T H A T
[day/night]: Night!!
[summer/winter]: Summer!!
[lace/satin]: Satin!!
[tape/cd]: CD!
[lust/love]: Love!
[on phone/in person]: In-person!
[gold/silver]: Silver!!
[scary/happy movies]: Scary!!!

F A V O R i T E
[color]: White.
[holiday]: Halloween
[shampoo]: Ummm...my cocunut smelling one! lol.
[furniture]: my bed
[number]: 27
[emotion]: Happy
[food]: Chinese...well, more chicken than anything!!! lol
[drink]: Sprite or Bahja Rose!
[fast food]: Subway...or McDonalds! *Sighs*
[school subject]: Acting.
[animal]: Dog
[sport to play]: Rugby!!!
[sport to watch]: Rugby/Football.
[flower]: Roses, Lily's...Perdy things? heh...
[cartoon character]: Robin and Goku...oh, oh!! Patomon and Charmander also!!!
[language]: Spanish
[weekend activity]: Walking around and relaxing!!
[rollercoaster]: The old one at Playland!
[font]: Times New Roman!!
[store]: Future Shop!! lol.

H A V E ~ Y O U / / D O ~ Y O U / / A R E ~ Y O U
[obsessive]: depends what it involves...lol.
[take a shower everyday]: Yes!!
[want to go to college]: Yes!
[like high school]: I liked it.
[want to get married]: Yes!
[believe in yourself]: Most of the time!
[get motion sickness]: sometimes.
[have high self esteem]: Most of the time.
[get along w/ your parents]: Sometimes. More my mom...
[like thunder storms]: Yes.
[sit on the computer waiting for someone special to get on?]: *Giggles*
[cried because of someone saying something mean to you]: Yes
[been rejected]: Yes...
[rejected someone]: Yes
[used someone]: Yes
[done something u regret]: Yes
[colour ur hair]: yes (currently is streaked!!)
[ever get off the computer]: *Pounders* Maybe yes, maybe no!! lol.

[could u live without the computer?]: Nope...lol.
[like watching sunrises or sunsets]: Sunsets
[physical pain or emotional pain?]: Physical.
[is cheerleading a sport?]: Yes.
[the last time you slept with a stuffed animal]: Ummm....friday night?
[how many homes have you lived in]: 1
[schools gone to]: Anmore Elementary, Heritage Mountain Elementary, Moody Middle, Gleneagle Secondary, P.I.S.S and now ALC!!!
[would you shave ur head for $5000]: Oh ya!!!
[age for marriage]: 24ish or perhaps a bit earlier.
[last film seen in theatre]: The Boogeyman
[what do you eat for breakfast?]: I don’t eat breakfast!!
[bedtime]: I tend to stay up really late...so um, whenever I want!!!
[best feature]: Ummm...*pounders* My eyes?

F i N A L ~ Q U E S T i O N S
[i love]: my Goober!
[i miss]: a few friends.
[i wonder]: when cars will fly
[how do you know it's love?]: When you don't have to say it but just look in their eyes and see it. *Nods* Or...you feel it when they're not around you.
[i need to]: Go to bed...but really, I won't...lol.

The end of the quiz.

Love ya Hunny!!

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