Feb 07, 2009 02:14
He's Just Not That Into You: nom nom nom.
Repo: Giles from Buffy! Stabbity! Singing!
Smoothness Incarnate: I slipped on the ice coming back from Repo. And comically tried to keep my balance for about 5 seconds. And then pitched over into a snowbank. All while people were watching to make sure I made it safely back to the door.
Jan 26, 2009 18:43
I am taking a course this semester and my TA's name is McPhail.
Best TA name ever.
Jan 06, 2009 10:05
Things I like: new laptops.
Things I like but am disappointed I don't like more: Godiva's chocolate dipped strawberries.
They look so very, very delicious. But they are only moderately so. And the quality of the strawberry would seem to be a crap shoot. :(
Jan 01, 2009 00:19
*smooches all around*
Nov 05, 2008 15:12
Obama: WOO
Proposition 8: You have got to be shitting me. D:
Sep 18, 2008 03:08
A pushy friend demands that I solicit opinions on my LJ on what I should do for the end of the world my 30th birthday.
Consider yourselves solicited.
Addendum: it is not til next year.
Sep 09, 2008 17:19
Soccer moms. NASCAR dads. Hockey moms. Wal-Mart moms.
Not the moms and dads, you understand. Nor even the words. The underlying Platonic form, so to speak.
Aug 02, 2008 15:29
I am so addicted to Pocky.
Jul 29, 2008 13:28
"Scrabulous is disabled for US and Canadian users until further notice."
Jul 29, 2008 13:16
If you ask a mathematician if he has a countless number of friends, he may reply that the number is certainly at most countable.
Smile politely and pat him on the head.