Challenge 13: The Hardest Part

Feb 15, 2010 20:47

Title: The Hardest Part
Author: thickets
Word Count: 100
Characters/Pairing: Dan, implied Dan/Jones
Genre: FP
Rating: PG
Warnings: Suicide
Disclaimer: Nathan Barley belongs to Chris Morris and Charlie Brooker.
Author's Comments: For Challenge 13: The Descent.

He'd always thought that the moment before you jumped would be complicated. That it would come at the end of a long, desperate struggle between survival instinct and despair. And if your desire to live conquered, you'd walk away to trudge through another day; if despair was the victor - well, you know the rest.

It wasn't like that at all.

It was quick and easy. In truth, the least complicated decision he'd ever made.

Then he was falling. That, it turned out, was the hard part. It was violent, and fast, and painful. And filled with regret.

Sorry, Jones.

thickets, challenge 13

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