I made these for inspired20in20 - my first 20in20 challenge! There are a lot of firsts for me here, which is what you want, right? *nods emphatically* Right. That's the whole point of these things but still my's nerves they is a-quakin'. Concrit would be great so I know what I'm doing right and what I still need to work on! 1 - words: challenged2 - vibrant3 - blocking4 - black & white vs color5 - texture set 1
6 - grunge7 - dramatic lighting8 - creative blending9 - texture set 310 - texture set 4
11 - painted12 - monochrome13 - over the face text14 - texture set 515 - texture set 6
16 - shapes17 - coloring with light textures18 - linear text19 - texture set 720 - texture set 8
Alternates - (or, more accurately, icons that were too crap to be included/I couldn't tell which looked better so I made both) 2122232425