Title: 20 Random Facts About Ted Kord
Fandom: Justice League
Characters: Booster/Beetle, Max Lord, Barbara Gordon, Wonder Woman
Prompt: "Supernatural (powers)."
Word Count: 865
Rating: PG-13? (Language, nudity, suggestiveness?)
Author's Notes: Heh, jumping on the "20 Random Facts" meme bandwagon a bit late in the game. But oh well. I'm just glad to get something done. (This has been done before, right? Apologies for any toe-stepping or redundancy.)
20 Random Facts About Ted Kord
1. Ted can sing the Major-General's Song from The Pirates of Penzance flawlessly. It's a good party trick, if nothing else.
2. Ted wishes more people remembered the first Blue Beetle. Dan Garrett doesn't deserve to be forgotten.
3. Ted used to be a spy. No one knows and he never talks about it. But he still thinks it's pretty cool.
4. It's Ted that Max goes to when his mother dies. Ted can smell alcohol on him as he paces, raging against the senselessness. "They could've at least tried to move the fight to a less populated area! Instead she gets a building dropped on her! Well not a whole building, but an entire wall. And they went through a school gym! Thank god no one was in it at the time. At least when the Justice League worked with the government they had to answer to someone! Now we just have-have...wild vigilantism! Someone should do something!" Ted really wishes he had paid more attention at the time.
5. Ted really does love Booster.
6. Ted's mother taught him how to laugh. Sitting beside him as they watched the Stooges, she would whoop and cackle and tweak his ear going "nyuck nyuck" until he fell over giggling, arms wrapped around his middle. He doesn't laugh for a month after she dies.
7. When Ted first meets Booster Gold, he's pretty sure he's met the man before. He seems to recall that the man made him laugh, so that makes him okay in Ted's book. He can't wait to get to know him.
8. Ted wonders, sometimes, what might have happened if his Uncle Jarvis had just asked him to join him instead of keeping him in the dark about his true intentions. He likes to think he would've made the right choice, but sometimes he isn't sure what that would be.
9. Ted has seen Wonder Woman naked before. Most of the rumors are true, and it's one of his fondest memories even if it was an accident.
10. Ted doesn't mind the gay jokes about him and Booster nearly as much as he pretends to. He knows that whatever else people might say about them, they're best friends. Anything else is just gravy.
11. Ted has a tattoo on his inner thigh. He refuses to say what it is and anyone who asks is invited to look for themselves.
12. Ted never really understands the meaning of family until he joins the JLI. Then he learns that family is people that annoy the hell out of you and don't put up with your shit and sit by your bed when you're in a coma.
13. After Ted dies, Barbara is the one to clean out his things. (Those that survived the fire.) Packing away keepsakes and memorabilia that someone else might want. (Or maybe even that Ted will one day reclaim. It's been known to happen.) As she's going through his books, everything from The Official Three Stooges Cookbook to The Brothers Karamazov, she finds a battered notebook hidden away. In it, she finds all the ideas Ted never used, the inventions he never built. The reason he never even tried to make the notebook's contents reality is made obvious by the numbers at the end of each set of notes. Statistics; estimated property damage and death counts. Ted Kord could have destroyed the world a hundred times over and he knew it. Barbara hides the notebook away until she can decide what to do with it. No need to let anyone else know that Ted invented a form of synthetic Kryptonite that's about three times as deadly as the real thing.
14. Ted never really gets over his brother's death. And he never forgives himself for being out of the country on Blue Beetle business during the funeral, even if he did it on purpose. (Especially because he did it on purpose.)
15. Ted got caught hacking into the U.S. Defense Servers when he was thirteen. After that, he got better.
16. Ted never bothered to test his own blood for the metagene because he had survived the gene bomb without any effects. He never realizes what an oversight that was until he wakes up to Mitch Shelley, Resurrection Man, telling him to stay calm. That's easy enough for him to say, Ted thinks, he's not the one that keeps setting stuff on fire just by touching it.
17. Ted never forgave his father. For any of it. He only regrets that the man died before he could tell him.
18. Ted resents Diana just a little for killing Max; he had wanted to do it himself. Maybe not kill, but beat the shit out of. Maybe a couple blows to the head would have snapped him out of the bizarre personality disorder that had taken hold of him. It always worked for Guy.
19. Ted doesn't really hold a grudge against Batman, he's just having trouble getting the hang of having pyrokinesis. And anyway, he should know better than to make his cape out of flammable material.
20. Ted regrets leaving (and dying) before Booster got around to saying the things Ted wanted to but wasn't brave enough. He resolves to finish that conversation once he finds his best friend again.