Taking a cue from
cap_ironman, it's about time our boys had a list of their slashiest, most bromantic moments, yes? As much fun as listing all their most awesome moments together, let's try to keep the list to showing the (presumably) inadvertent slash (which i would include moments of touching that most friends don't actually engage in) and the depth of their relationship.
If people find something I missed either from titles already covered or cameos from other titles (i know our boys made appearances elsewhere), then drop a line with, if not a scan of the page, the issue number and I (or someone more resourceful) will try to find it.
indicates new scans.
Justice League International 8 - Booster has been on the team for- about what? A month or two? -and already they're skipping work to sip wine under the Eiffel Tower. [
pg 12]
Justice League International 9 - It's a little difficult to see due to miscoloring, but Ted is already slinging himself all over Booster. [
pg 14]
Justice League International 21 - Not exactly the subtlest way to figure out which way Booster swings, Ted. [
pg 2]
Justice League International 25 - Dat body language! [
pg 3]
Justice League America - Asides from Booster being adorably bitter over not getting to be with Ted, I do believe this is the first time either have referred to the other as their best friend- not insignificant as both admit at one point or another that that they really don't have many real friends. [
27, pg 5] [
29, pg 13]
Justice League America 31 - In an odd turn of script, Booster expresses distrust for the current level of technology. Except it reads more like him being petulantly jealous about all the time Ted spent with Scott on the team's transport. [
pg 14,
pg 15,
pg 21]
Justice League America 32 - Further proof that everyone is used to the those two sprawling on each other. [
pg 18]
Justice League America 33 - Such a soft spot for their casual, blatant touching <3 [
pg 5]
Justice League America 33 - And their dorky, impromptu happy dance. [
pg 21]
Justice League America 53 - Max is in a coma and a subway tunnel collapsed but Blue and Gold hooking up again trumps all that, apparently. [
pg 9]
Justice League Spectacular - If I could only thank Jurgens for one thing, it would probably be this panel. [
pg 36]
Justice League Europe 34 - I'm sure Ted's good mood is supposed to be stemming from the team as a whole, but it reads more like time with Booster puts a bounce in Ted's step (ahem). [
pg 18]
Justice League America 63 - Given that we never see just what in the basement was specifically for Booster, I can only assume Max asked him along so he'd know exactly where Ted would be spending all his free time. [
pg 7]
Justice League America 70 - While everyone else is focused on the death of Superman, all of Booster's grief is on Ted. [
pg 23]
Justice League America 79 - Well, having just come out of his second coma I suppose Ted is entitled to being bitter for a bit, but at least he acknowledges Booster's concern. [
pg 1]
Justice League Quarterly 1 - Don't let the team rivalry, international incidents, meta siblings and corporate whoredom deceive you- this issue was ALL about Booster and Ted's relationship and everyone knows it. (check out booster's wall- even after their fallout, he still has a picture of him and ted hanging on it!) [
pg 19,
Justice League Quarterly 7 - While I could comment on people bringing dates to high school reunions and not needing to get beards for themselves and their date, I do wonder why Ted felt the need to have an entourage. [
pg 2]
Justice League America Annual 5 - It's an odd and convoluted storyline, but all you need to know is that Booster went to the future again, got stuck for a number of years and is going back to the past because he realized Ted was in trouble. Such a loyal puppy. [
pg 33]
Justice League International Special 1 - Not only do both seem comfortable with Booster watching Ted dress, the last two panels just speak for themselves. [
pg 7]
Mister Miracle 8 - Booster, being attacked by psychotic robots is NOT the best time to proposition Ted. [
pg 5]
Mister Miracle 8 - Either it's normal for two grown men to be rolling over each other laughing, or Ted and Booster just give off that vibe. [
pg 17]
Mister Miracle 13 - Everyone's used to Ted jumping Booster, apparently. [
pg 14]
Justice League America 89 - Asides from the Harsher In Hindsight comments in the first half of the page, the last half is all kinds of sappy adorable. [
pg 11]
Justice League Task Force 13 - Granted Ted would be needed to remove Booster's armor, but I'm sure the doctors would prefer not having someone hovering at their elbow like that. [
pg 10]
Justice League Task Force 13 - Sure some alien being is hovering over the planet, threatening to reset life on earth and a bunch of capes are out to fight and hasten the race's demise but none of that matters because BOOSTER IS DEEEEAAAAD. [
pg 23]
Justice League International 65 - Well gee Booster, you could go on for your best friend who collapsed in a blubbering heap of grief over you... [
pg 2,
Justice League International 66 - Because Ted couldn't deal with losing Booster again, he turned his best friend into a tin-plated zombie. [
pg 21]
Justice League International - Ted knows keeping Booster alive is going to take a lot of work and stress that falls mostly on himself and is a re-occurring subject that comes up often for him in future comics. But he never once even hinted at regretting it. [
66, pg 22] [
67, pg 8]
Extreme Justice 7 - Ted goes off in the middle of an important planning session to drape himself on Booster. [
pg 16]
Extreme Justice 10 - Ted gets to play with alien technology that works on a level he's never seen before and what's the first idea of application he comes up with? Something for Booster. [
pg 4]
Extreme Justice - Booster spent most of the first half of the run being jealous and emo over the lack of Ted's attention. [
9, pg 7,
18] [
10, pg 3,
9] [
12, pg 11,
Extreme Justice 13 - To be fair, Ted was pretty much everyone's go-to guy in this series (though what they expected him to do in case of best friends mutating, i have no idea...) [
pg 20]
Extreme Justice 14 - Because inventing a mobile suit to make a medically dead man live wasn't good enough, Ted should've tried harder to make Booster no longer medically dead. [
pg 9,
Extreme Justice 14 - Well... at least they're aware of their reputations. [
pg 15]
Extreme Justice 17 - Ted knows well enough to prepare even a rocket for 'In Event of Booster...' [
pg 17]
Formerly Known As... 1 - Keep in mind that Max hadn't actually talked to Booster yet. [
pg 6]
Formerly Known As... 6 - I think it's best to let Booster speak for himself. [
pg 4]
JLA Classified 4 - Like they say, the best lies are based on truth. [
pg 26,
Countdown to Infinite Crisis - Ted doesn't know who's futzing with his company's finances, but he knows who exactly swiped his bank card. [
pg 5,
Countdown to Infinite Crisis - It may take him a bit, but Booster knows where his priorities lie. [
pg 10,
Countdown to Infinite Crisis - After the destruction of his house putting Booster in the hospital, Ted is off to see Captain Marvel's wizard. [
pg 39]
Countdown to Infinite Crisis - Everything important to Ted is broken or gone. [
pg 53]
Countdown to Infinite Crisis - When no one else would even listen, Booster refuses to let Ted go alone. [
pg 56,
Countdown to Infinite Crisis - The two most important people in Booster's life- you better label accordingly. [
pg 60]
The OMAC Project 1 - Booster wanted to do more while in a hospital bed than anyone else Ted went to. [
pg 17]
The OMAC Project 2 - Batman tells of Ted's fate. Booster snaps. [
pg 6,
The OMAC Project 3 - And he still tries to deny it. [
pg 11]
The OMAC Project 6 - Booster would rather go back to a future where his family is dead and he's still disgraced than live in a present without his best friend. [
pg 9,
52 Week 52 - Even with the fate of the multi-verse on the line, Booster can't help but talk to Ted one last time. [
pg 18,
Booster Gold 1 - Keeping in mind that Booster's original intention to becoming a superhero was for the fame, his willingness to throw away his reputation to save Ted is rather telling. [
pg 31,
Booster Gold - It's also something that will come up again and again in several issues. [
2, pg 2] [
4, pg 22] [
5, pg 22] [
7, pg 2] [
10, pg 5] [
19, pg 7]
Booster Gold 6 - Skeets may be Booster's oldest friend, but he knows there's no competing when Ted is on the line. [
pg 4]
Booster Gold 6 - The rescue scene. Nuff said. [
pg 15]
Booster Gold 6 - Booster will do whatever it takes to save Ted, even if it means getting shot in the head himself. [
pg 20,
Booster Gold - Okay, so Black Beetle is technically a villain. But he still knew enough about Booster's devotion to Ted to manipulate him. [
6, pg 23] [
0, pg 03,
Booster Gold 0 - Booster is reluctant to change what he's always deemed the biggest mistake of his life- even if it means saving his sister -if it means he never meets Ted. [
pg 14]
Booster Gold 7 - I just gotta wonder how often the two fly holding hands that allows them to maneuver like this... [
pg 4]
Booster Gold 7 - Please tell me I'm not the only one that likens Booster to a happy puppy since he saved Ted. [
pg 7]
Booster Gold 8 - As adorable as Booster's protectiveness is, I don't think a fireman's carry is necessary for a shoulder wound... [
pg 20]
Booster Gold 10 - It's a little frightening how much Booster is willing to sacrifice to keep Ted. [
pg 11]
Booster Gold 10 - Hurting Booster is apparently Ted's Berserk Button. [
pg 19]
Booster Gold 10 - Booster loses Ted for the second time. [
pg 20,
Booster Gold 1,000,000 - An interesting note- for as much as Booster expounds on his sister's importance, he never actually tried going back in time to save her... [
pg 6]
Booster Gold 25 - Okay, when canon characters ship it, you may as well just make it official. [
pg 29]
Booster Gold 26 - Ted's funeral. [
pg 11,
Booster Gold 27 - Now I'm no boy scout, but I'm fairly certain some of that rope is unnecessary if you're trying to hang someone. [
Booster Gold 27 - Despite the disastrous rescue attempt previous, Booster is still trying to weasel reasons to save Ted. [
pg 16]Booster Gold 27 - Ted and Booster had a very exclusive club. [
pg 18]
Booster Gold 27 - So... how many people would be willing to cradle the decomposing corpse of their best friend? [
pg 24]
Booster Gold 27 - Booster's Ted shrine aka the 'All Bromance, All the Time' wall. [
pg 26-27]
Booster Gold 34 - The saddest cover to ever grace comics. Full stop. [
Booster Gold 34 - Asides from everyone's favorite line, how can you not love this page? Booster admitting to being caught up in Ted's Teddness! Skeets being concerned and protective! Ted being friendly with Skeets! Booster sharing porn with Guy- wait. [
pg 8]
Booster Gold 34 - When one of the universe's most successful and adorable couples refers to you as a couple... [
pg 19]
Booster Gold 35 - If these pages don't hurt your heart, you have no soul. [
pg 9,
Booster Gold 36 - Booster goes into panic mode after Ted gets inadvertently left behind. [
pg 6]
Booster Gold 36 - Space must be the internet cranked to eleven if a humanoid and a squirrel can be mistaken for lovers. [
pg 16]
Booster Gold 37 - Skeets is jealous of Booster's closeness to Ted. [
pg 5]
Booster Gold 37 - Estrogina is similarly annoyed by Booster constantly talking about Ted. [
pg 11]
Booster Gold 37 - A nice shout out to Ted and Booster's 'break up' in the JLI. [
pg 15]
Booster Gold 37 - I am highly amused the they both know Booster can never deny Ted. [
pg 22]
Booster Gold 39 - Booster goes off on some poor wannabe with all the things he never got to let out on Ted. [
pg 11]
Booster Gold 39 - Booster at Ted's grave. [
pg 15,
Booster Gold 39 - Booster finally comes to terms. [
pg 20]
Justice League: Generation Lost 2 - The best way to screw with Booster (and get him to hunt you down)? Fucking over Ted. [
pg 20,
Martian Manhunter 24 - Who DOESN'T love a good pony ride? [
pg 10]
JLA Incarnations 6 - More random and unnecessary Boostle touching (anachronistic touching, but touching nonetheless)! [
pg 26]
Green Lantern 115 - I don't know which implication I love most- that Ted trusts Booster enough to pilot the Bug without him around or that Ted took the time out to teach Booster how to pilot it. [
pg 16]
Impulse 22 - Really boys, sharing a business email account is one thing, but using a cute portmanteau like BBG? You may as well have called it Boostle. [
pg 5]
Impulse 22 - The general consensus is there are only two types of people that sign a birthday card together- family or married couples. [
pg 22]
The All-New Atom 14 - Even facsimile!Ted knows how important Booster was to the real one. [
pg 23]
Elseworlds: JLA Act of God 2 - The only thing vaguely worthwhile in this Elseworlds is the modern connotation of 'partner'...[
pg 2]
Elseworlds: JLA Act of God 3 - ...and Booster apparently 'outing' himself to Ted's apartment (or, even better, their shared apartment). [
pg 3]
Extra -
Issue BoxExtra -
DC's Christmas listExtra -
Amazing Heroes Swimsuits![](http://i55.photobucket.com/albums/g129/ajremix/boostle/boostlelogo.gif)
Extra -
Original pitch for the Blue Beetle III character