This recent post by
shadowkat about shipping Spuffy and gender reversals in the relationship linked on Buffyforums by
moscow_watcher got me to write a short reply about my views, which are a bit different from hers. I can't do that on her LJ because she flipped out on me with absolutely no reason and attacked me on her LJ about a
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Comments 85
I also agree about Buffy/Angel not fitting that particular trope quite so easily. (Fred/Gunn? I'm really not sure where she's coming from with that one.)
Angel does seem to be coded upper class while Spike is coded lower class (which is in opposition to Spike's human background). I'm never sure what to make of that, except that it lines up with the class coding of Buffy and Faith. But Angel doesn't have societal power when he's soulless. He's an outcast.
How Angel managed to make Buffy not notice how pathetic he really was in ( ... )
Indeed. Good point.
*nods* Yes, and that makes for a lot of partisan projection. A few weeks back 12_12_12 wrote some meta about m/f relationships that presented both lovers as equals versus the Gothic romance model, and in her reading, Buffy/Angel was all about the equal gender subversive partnership while Buffy/Spike was all about the narrative privileging Spike over Buffy (which made for a separate complaint post of hers). Which isn't my reading of the relationships at all, but it's telling that she got this based on the same textual material that Shadowkat used for her interpretation of Buffy/Angel as all gender-conventional unequal Gothic Romance and Buffy/Spike all subversion and equality: we all see, to a degree, what we want to see.
I think the big Buffy/Angel thing that is associated with traditional gender norms is ( ... )
Definitely the Angel narrative of Buffy is different than the Buffy narrative of Angel, which is a fascinating thing.
It is. Of course the moment in Guise will be Guise where the fake Swami retcons the entire Buffy/Angel relationship as Angel acting out his Darla issues is played as a joke, but as a joke with at least some truth in it as far as AtS is concerned. Which is a very different story from Buffy-as-inspiration-to-do-good on BTVS (suggesting that the truth is somewhere in the middle). And the s3 opener is an explicit textual critique of the "my ( ... )
The closest to how I see it is what an academic essay on Spuffy said - they don't flip gender roles, they share gender roles. I don't think anyone was "in control" of the relationship, especially not in season 6 which was a constant struggle. I know the view expressed in this essay, it's the view of many female Spuffy shippers who identify with Spike and not with Buffy. But I don't share it and it misses a lot of the complexity of the relationship. Which is what makes it all the more interesting.I can't add anything of profound interest, just that you've summarized my feelings about Buffy/Spike very succinctly. And while Bangel bores me (although on first watch I rooted for them BECAUSE I felt for Buffy, not because of Angel himself so much), I can see what you say about the subversion in that relationship a bit more clearly now (gabrielleabelle's metas on "Subversive Bangel" helped in that regard as well ( ... )
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