
Jun 26, 2007 20:47

A lot has happened since I last posted. Obviously I moved to Orange from my parents place where I'd been staying after moving out of my bro's apartment.

I guess the first big thing was that the truck moving my stuff  was delayed by 24 hours, so mum and i camped out on the tiled floor of my new house on the coldest night of the year so far. That was ( Read more... )

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Comments 8

tibbycat June 26 2007, 12:49:48 UTC
Future job:

... )


booth_street June 28 2007, 10:16:51 UTC
ah! Terrifying!!!!


Mt Canobolas thebanjoranger June 27 2007, 00:02:57 UTC
My grandparents' farm has a view to Mt Canobolas but from the SE.


Re: Mt Canobolas booth_street June 28 2007, 10:17:31 UTC
the ones in blayney yeah? all i know is they will be off level 5 water restrictions because of all the rain...


mellowjam June 30 2007, 09:10:44 UTC
Whats that thick philosophy book on your bookshelf?


mellowjam June 30 2007, 09:11:23 UTC
Oh and you have the same paperback of Sophie's World as me. Yay!


booth_street June 30 2007, 13:33:36 UTC
It's the [oxford companion to] philosophy. I think i stole it from dad when i moved out of home... score!


booth_street June 30 2007, 13:33:57 UTC
Oddly, i have two copies of that, because i received one for my 21st this year. Weird! But cool..


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