You'll never lose me, babe. It just won't happen.. cause I'm always gonna be there for you no matter what. Cats and all. Though I kinda hope they bite you...
And HAPPY ONE MONTH :D. Haha I remembered I swear. And it's not a one month for me, shut up. You'll jinx it. Or people will actually think I have something. Annnnnnnnd.. I don't. Though not from lack of hoping.
And I'm eating healthier too. And goin to karate today. Je suis proud of moi! Just having you do it is enough motivation for me. I even surrpassed the late-night snacking after I came home last night *thumbs up. Cheers to sleeping.
Anyways, that was like an entry in itself.. long and short of it: You can try to lose me and run from me.. but I'll find youuu!! Sucka. I'm happy that you found someone who loves you and wants to be with you because you deserve it more than you know. Annnnd way to go fitness.
AWW BABY!!!! I LOVE U!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! n i promise i will love ur cats n babysit for them wen u go out..which will probably never happen LOL LOVE U BABY!!! n Ya if u keep up the fitness so will i...its like mutual mans. love u! THANK U
Okay kids, anorexic goes hand-in-hand with compulsive exercise. Don't get diseased you fucker.
As for everything else, I understand exactly what you mean and how you feel...
Goodbyes are kind of - permanent. And we're due for more than our fair share in the coming year. But remember, whether I'm off somewhere exploring the world, becoming a star, or just two blocks away, I'll always be there for you. I'm just a phone call away, and if circumstances prevent that, well, I'm with you in heart and spirit.
lol u jerk...i will not get diseased thank u very much. i will b leavin that to B lol. U better always b close to me...or invite me to ur fukin mansion if u get famous :D I LOVE U THANK U!!!! :)i guess heart n spirit will do..and a phone call now n then..n r get togethers...u no wat? fuk it! jus dont leave lol.
Comments 5
And HAPPY ONE MONTH :D. Haha I remembered I swear. And it's not a one month for me, shut up. You'll jinx it. Or people will actually think I have something. Annnnnnnnd.. I don't. Though not from lack of hoping.
And I'm eating healthier too. And goin to karate today. Je suis proud of moi! Just having you do it is enough motivation for me. I even surrpassed the late-night snacking after I came home last night *thumbs up. Cheers to sleeping.
Anyways, that was like an entry in itself.. long and short of it:
You can try to lose me and run from me.. but I'll find youuu!! Sucka.
I'm happy that you found someone who loves you and wants to be with you because you deserve it more than you know.
Annnnd way to go fitness.
ttyl you horse :)
peachy kean
As for everything else, I understand exactly what you mean and how you feel...
Goodbyes are kind of - permanent. And we're due for more than our fair share in the coming year. But remember, whether I'm off somewhere exploring the world, becoming a star, or just two blocks away, I'll always be there for you. I'm just a phone call away, and if circumstances prevent that, well, I'm with you in heart and spirit.
U better always b close to me...or invite me to ur fukin mansion if u get famous :D I LOVE U THANK U!!!! :)i guess heart n spirit will do..and a phone call now n then..n r get togethers...u no wat? fuk it! jus dont leave lol.
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