I won't bitch to you about doing that-cause that would be wrong. Hell, if you do it, and you're feeling great keep it up.....it pisses my off soooo much how people make such a big deal about pot and that it's illegal....while cigarettes are in fact worse for you than pot is. Yeah, when you get high your mind is altered-yeah, when you get drunk you're mind is altered. You're somewhat under control on pot, completely gone on alchohol...then why isn't it legalized? Why isn't cocaine legalized??
Let's say they do legalize it. You can go to Mexico and get it cheaper AND they can't tax it there, and you can prolly go somewhere to find Coke for cheaper and can't tax it. It's all about money, hell yes they would legalize it, but it would be a loss for money....at least, that's how I see it.
Maybe one day, everything will be ok. And maybe, the government won't be so damned corrupt.
I mean, no ones ever really concerned with the long run, jenny craig doesn't work, i don't have time to be physically fit, and i need help getting up and going. it all works out
Joey, I'm not worried about what it will phsycially do to you... well a little bit. But I've seen MULTIPLE friends be in jail, in shit, and hooked up to breathing machines because of t his. I don't want anything to happen to you. I'm not gonna sit here like everyone else and be like... Go ahead Joey, do it do it. Because I don't feel that way. I don't think you should do coke... I don't think anyone should. But then again it's not my life... it's yours. I just want to tell you that no one who really matters is gonna hate you if you do or don't do coke. I'm gonna love you just as much if you're all geeked up as I would if you were totally straight. I don't want anything to happen to you, but you're a big boy and can make your dissions for yourself. Just know that people care... no matter what your choice is. I love you Joey. allyb.
After talking to a couple people today, I've gathered that people think I'm a coke head, and unfortunately for dramas sake, that's not the case. I better understand you're concern now that Justin came up to me and asked, "How many lines do you do a day?" I'll think twice about sharing my three or four time trys with people who misunderstand next time. thanks again for your concern.
Don't listen to her joey...someone does hate you...it is mrs phillips...but that's not a big deal...she hates everyone...if she didn't hate you...and she liked you...that would mean you're doing something wrong...
Comments 11
Let's say they do legalize it. You can go to Mexico and get it cheaper AND they can't tax it there, and you can prolly go somewhere to find Coke for cheaper and can't tax it. It's all about money, hell yes they would legalize it, but it would be a loss for money....at least, that's how I see it.
Maybe one day, everything will be ok. And maybe, the government won't be so damned corrupt.
*that's my political thingy for the day*
I mean, no ones ever really concerned with the long run, jenny craig doesn't work, i don't have time to be physically fit, and i need help getting up and going. it all works out
I don't like that....it makes me feel upset.
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