Obligatory Holiday Entry

Dec 25, 2004 19:57

Merry Christmas, happy holidays, yadda yadda... You know the schtick, I'm sure. :)

Had a lot go on in the last couple of weeks actually. I just never get a chance to get around to writing as ever since final exams ended, I've been pulling shifts at the ol' Grocery store despite the fact that my availability clearly states I shouldn't be working Mondays, Wednesdays or Saturdays. Ah well... Guess everyone else is bailing out for the holidays so they need some suckers to cover. *sigh* :)

So, where to begin...
Well, wrote my last exam a week ago Thursday. Hopefully it's my last exam EVER... But... We'll see. I seemed to have a big problem in the motivation department - These were the last series of exams I had, and regardless of how well I performed (Assuming I passed) it would have no significant impact on my GPA... Which, as it stands, is enough to graduate with honours. Whee.
The fact that I had taken the two weeks off to "study" and had just picked up World of Warcraft didn't help much either. XD
But anyway, most of my finals were a breeze, but my last one (Psychology, of all things. Blah.) was surprisingly difficult. Possibly due to my lax study efforts. But... Eh. :)
I dunno, the written portion of the test (25%) just seemed a little unfair. Usually a professor will give you a selection of three or four topics when writing an essay worth that magnitude, but this time around we only had two. And the description of one of them basically came out and said in plain English that we *really* shouldn't do it. :P
... And it would just happen to be my luck that the only other choice was the ONE thing I had NO friggen clue about. So naturally, I had to do the question that specifically told me that I shouldn't be doing it. Ah well... I just need a passing mark on the final. XD

Lessee... What else is there...
Oooh! Right! :)
So 'Lana and I have finally (And by finally, I mean about two months ago) made plans to meet up. Gonna be heading on down to Virginia on January 8th, staying for two weeks. Got my flight booked an' everything. A couple of her friends are coming in from other parts of the country too so her parents won't get *too* weirded out. :D
So now my current, ultra secret plan (which, by reading this, you agree not to tell 'Lana of. Or, in the case of you BEING 'Lana, to promise not to actually read.) is to get down there and play up every well-known Canadian Stereotype there is. Because... Well... That's what I always do when I go down to the states. It's a sickness, I know.

Got a massive snowfall the other day. Foot and a half of snow, followed by some delightful rain, followed by freezing temperatures. All in one night. You can imagine my delight as I had to shovel the crap the next morning. Frozen, soggy snow, for those of you lucky enough not to get it, is quite the pain in the ass. My two brothers and I finished shovelling our driveway, wasn't *too* bad... But then we get all the little old ladies in the neighbourhood calling us. Seems we're known as the "family with 3 big, strong boys with shovels" in a neighbourhood crawling with seniors. Joy. By the end of that day, we had done 5 driveways between us. And then I had to get to work. XD

As for the major thingies this season...
Birthday (Christmas Eve, for those of ya who didn't know. :D) was on-par. Nothing fancy, nothing outstanding, but nothing horrible. Just the way I like it. :)
Got to have pizza for dinner this year. Which is great. Because I like pizza. And my mother seems to have this need to order Chinese food whenever I go to my grandmother's house. Which is where we go to celebrate my birthday EVERY YEAR. Because I should obviously have no say in the matter, possibly because I'd much rather stay home and play my stupid little computer games in the dark. It's the darndest thing, my mother asks me what I want to have for dinner on my birthday. I suggest something OTHER than Chinese food and then she seems absolutely befuddled at how I could make the "wrong" choice. (Well, she doesn't actually SAY it's wrong, but the way she acts, you can pretty much tell what she WANTED the choice to be.) We have the same food every time we come up here, a little variety wouldn't kill ya! :P
So... Anyway, yes. For dinner, we had pizza... And Chinese. :P

Up here for Christmas too (today! whee! It's where I am right now) and we've had Chinese for dinner. Big surprise. :)
Christmas/Birthday haul was average this year. Which is to say, significantly less than what anyone who has a birthday at any other time of the year should expect, but... Meh... I'm used to it after 24 years. Seriously, I actually get LESS presents on Christmas than everyone else, because people figure I've got all the birthday stuff to contend with... But I get less on my birthday than the average person too because people figure I've got Christmas stuff to contend with. Thankfully, I'm not materialistic about it... I just like to have something to complain about. Really, it's a gift in itself. I love to complain. :)

As for the actual swag, I got a couple pieces of clothing, a sizeable wad of cash (which should just about cover what I blew on Christmas gifts) and from my folks, who I can always count on to grab me the one item I'm always looking for (excluding the C’thulu plushie I wanted to prop up next to my monitor last year... Stupid massive shipping fees...) I got me one o' them nifty PC tablets. Hopefully I can figure out how to use the thing with a degree of competence. Then, I need to figure out Flash or something.

Well, that pretty much wraps up everything quasi-important since September and now. Hopefully we're all up to date now. :)

Next update, hopefully on New Year's. Unless I think up something cool. Or need to rant. :D

Oh, and because I didn't spam NEARLY enough similes this time around:
:D :B :O~ :3 :3 :3 (_|_)
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