the op-ed i'm currently writing at work is definitely in crash-and-burn mode right now, so i decided to take a time-out to read some news. which in turn has led me to waste my time on LJ, where at least there are effectively no consequences for my abysmal writing (none for me, that is
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Comments 3
If we believe the claims of world governments, Afghanistan is a Decmoratic county.
Hence, this concern about "democratic freedoms" is only applicable if "democracy" is defined as "the hegemonic enforcement of Western ideals upon a populace".
Quick question: are we interesed in Democracy or are we interested in enforcing Western ideals on others?
Freedom to choose one's religion is guaranteed by Islamic law. However, the Muslims consider, specifically, the rejection of Islam to be treason. (See here).
My concern is about the interference of the West in attempting to enforce a "right" upon another nation that has chosen for itself how it wants to be ruled.
My apologies for not introducing myself. My name is Shukri. I'm a 21 year old Muslim.
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