
Nov 03, 2005 13:56

lately i've been living at home again. i'm disorganized and disheveled all the damn time. i wish i had a room of my own to drink beer in and listen to records lke how i used to. i probably could look for a place but then i'll be broke again. wait...i'm still broke. all my extra money is usually squandered away. stupid alcohol and all the fun that ( Read more... )

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Comments 2

vic_vibrator November 3 2005, 22:45:03 UTC
what the hell are the prizes going to be for the skate comp?


boozelee18 November 5 2005, 05:08:01 UTC
main contest-4 divisions- 1st-blank deck,2nd-set of wheels, 3rd-set of abec 5 bearings. winners of best trick and high ollie contest get a blank deck. the owner of american athletix skateshop is gonna show up and have merch toss. i just got a message from a guy who is opening some youth center across the street on the same day and wants to help out too. shit is blowing up. you still got my back right nigga!?!


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