Title: Penance Pairing: YunJae Rating: R Length: Chaptered Genre: Angst, drama Summary: Yunho once chose kinship over love, and is now willing to do anything as penance for his act of betrayal. ( He had trained himself to harden his heart )
Nice StartremedywhistleJanuary 30 2013, 20:02:49 UTC
I would not have guessed that this was your first attempt at writing. You were very descriptive and your writing flowed quite well. I look forward to reading more.
Thanks for taking the time to leave a first comment. The plot has been bothering me for a while, and I just thought its about time to start translating the ideas into a piece of writing. The sheer immensity of what I have in mind keeps deterring me though.
wow, so much emotion in just the prologue...makes me very curious as to what happened between Yunjae and how Jae ended up in jail....did he take the fall for YH perhaps?...if he did, this can't possibly be a happy YJ ending because surely YH doesn't deserve him and never will....so I'm worried...lol...nevertheless, hope you update soon=)
hmmm, that will be revealed in later chapters. I am actually all for happy endings, it may be an arduous road for YJ in this case, but reading broken YJ in the past has left me feeling unfulfilled. And yes, I will try my best to update soon (:
I just wanna say thank you for reading, and letting me know that you've read by commenting! I am still debating internally about a lot of aspects, which includes how the characters will be introduced (:
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