i took this pic mainly because chun always posts pics of her hammies little tails :p and my hamster always sleeps with his tail just outside his house ;p
and then he woke up and started washing himself a little so i had to take pics, though they're not very clear:
and this photo made him look so funny xD
that's all :p
ps: i'm trying to crochet a tam for when the weather gets colder(lol gotta start some time ahead) so when i succeed i'll post pics of that, i just haven't been really crafty lately :$
ps2: you have got to see marie-antoinette if the story isn't that important to you. i know everyone says it's a crap movie and that sophia doesn't do the story justice but i just loved the shots and everything(made me as an arthistoryfreak love french baroque even more). And you just gotta take it in all symbolically, that marie-antoinette doesnt seem to age in those 20 years to the punk music played on a party. besides i like kirsten dunst so that helps too ;)