Figleaves has free shipping and a sale! Yay!
- I went to see the Grinch musical yesterday in NYC.
- I finally went to a
Lush retail store . . . it was delicious. I bought some things for my mother for Christmas and also some things for me. My parents are very shoddy at buying Christmas and birthday gifts, anyway, and say that I'm free to buy my
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Comments 4
Oh God I still have another week here :(
How are finals going, baby?
Also, it really depends on the book for Amazon. From what I paid on one book, I made $50 more on their Marketplace than what I had originally bought it for. So occasionally you can score some good deals. But man, postage gets EXPENSIVE. :(
Are you done with the semester?
Shopping, it is so cool!
And yes, Amazon, you can make super money. It's just you have to get lucky, which I am not, necessarily, and I don't want to spend too much time on it, you know? It's just a side thing. As to postage, I'm trying to keep it to paperback books, which ship at about $2.15, so you even get, like, 84 cents from the shipping allowance that Amazon gives you. Hahah that way lies the way to wealth and glory!
And no, sadly :( You should see the pile of shoeboxes in my room, it grows daily thanks to the stress. No joke :D
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