Try defining reality.
Everything is levels, layers. With drugs though [more specifically shrooms, lsa, acid], its hard to figure out- it seems you reach a level of consiousness, awareness- the highest level is transcendant. When everything is energy. THE awareness itself, almost. Perhaps when our bodies recycle into the earth, our souls/energy recycle into the universe as stars.
If you live material and thats all you see.. then in your reality, thats all there is. and you'll die. and thats all there is.
If you live a life, looking for the way, knowing of something greater, relying on feeling/energy, choosing the path to enlightenment, its said your soul becomes transcendant of this world, this reality. This level of reality, at least. Sometimes it all sounds crazy to me. But those times I am just out of touch, cold. Athiest, depressed, angry, negative- is who i used to be. Out of touch and cold. Lost. Now i know..
^ I take it back. but i AM closer to knowing. closer to the ultimate. to enlightenment. it sounds ancient. religious. unreal. but.. its just the forgotten way. lost art. along those lines.
Think of fake: i see a rich materialistic selfish stupid ignorant girl. heavy makeup- not real when looking at her. not real when talking to her. lies to sound or seem a certain way. consumed in fads, tv, following the system- if not getting it bent for them. their life is easy and without challenge for the most part.
Now think real. I think of nature. Everything living in harmony. Obeying the rules of nature, [not the system], nature. Native Americans. Peyote.. I imagine peyote to be similar to shrooms. A level between shrooms and acid. Peyote is sacred to the Native Americans as shrooms is to me. Its magical- spiritual. on trips I often find myself making referances to heaven and hell. I dont know. Its another level to this dimension. Its almost as if in eating the mushroom, you then are able to see what it sees. The mushroom lives in nature. Nature-real. Shrooms.. reality? Something different but cannot define what.. you really cant write it off as a drug- just a drug- just fucking with your head. Chemical reactions. Strictly physical. Facts. Science.
Sure, its true. They figured out the material side of it all. THATS ALL. One side to the coin.
The athiest, the cold scientist- believes in facts and only what is seen and can be proved to him. This is all based on one level: What to me, I guess, is the primary level. Default, almost. Primary for humans, at least..
*** I've heard depression defined as people who see the world with a negative view and are convinced that is how the world really is and that just no one else sees it. That thats all there is.. its true, I used to think that. I used to be athiest as well. I see depression and athiesm now, as closedmindedness. Choosing the empty. Believing the empty. Numb to happiness, love, compassion.. not able to see the world that way.
| Humans | | | Animals | | | Plants [Shrooms] | |
Think of a dog. His hearing is what- 3 times more sensitive than humans'. His awareness in sound, then, is higher. Visually, supposedly, they see in black & white.. unaware of color.
Imagine being a dog. You eat something magic. Now, you see color. Perhaps a dogs trip could take them a level higher, and bring them to our reality.
Ever pay notice to the fact that in marioworld, the shroom represents a level up? Keeping in mind, the game was made by those crazy intelligent japanese. Just think.
Virtual reality.. 2d explaining/interpreting the 3d
Its all crazy.