Hello Parsons!
Some of you may remember the squirrel alert of spring 2005 when I sent you all that disturbing picture of a squirrel clinging to the screen outside the window over maglio's bed. Well I'm sorry to report that the squirrels are back but this time they're in the house.
This morning Nkechi saw one walk down the third floor hallway. Concerned for the safety of her housemates, she valiantly cornered it at the end of the hall on top of the closets, keeping it in check with a broom (See attached photo). However, when we called public safety they advised that we NOT attempt to corner it because squirrels can go crazy and they will attack and they will bite. We witnessed this when Loulou courageously opened the window at the end of the hall. The squirrel freaked out when she came towards it, jumped off the closet, ran down the hall toward Mina's room, ran back to the corner, and ricocheted back and forth off the closets before finally squirreling its way out a hole in the screen.
So, the moral of the story: Don't leave the attic door open because squirrels live in the attic and they will live in the house if we invite them in! Also, if you do see a squirrel, don't try to corner it. While things worked out alright this time, and we do applaud the heroic efforts of our president and our fire captain, public safety has warned us not to attempt this again.
Good luck and be careful,
it was late, i was falling asleep and i didn't feel like waiting up for you when you seemed like you weren't about to respond anytime soon.
+ shower (let's hope i won't get kicked out of the shower stall again... )
+ study for prufung
+ class (and prufung)
+ lunch (w/ steph? might be awk.)
+ work until 3 or 4
+ downtown (cvs, tickets for g.b. and r., see if my infernal dvd came in yet, fuckers)
+ dinner
+ meeting @ 7:30?
+ hw
+ something fun hopefully
+ sleeeeeeeeeeeep