So If You Listen To Pink Floyds Dark Side Of The Moon And You Just So Happen To Be Watching Wizard Of Oz The Two Actualy Go Along Quiet Well Infact, Im Doing It As I Type. Give It A Try Wizard Of Oz, Is On Eight Oclock Tomorow On Tbs
so everyone punch in the answer to life, the universe, and everything on google hit search and i promise you you will get the answer. boy do i promise i <3 you gooooooo0ooooooooogle
So does anyone want to get togethor and doing something haloween? i was thinking a movie nite over here and some trick or treating or something dont know ya all have my number call.
i am so ungodly confused right now its no longer funny! but i pred today so fuck yes. uhm I guess i do havea hockey team and i am bored to fucking tears.