Fandom: DC Comics
Title: Lucky Number Three
Characters: Tim Drake, Booster Gold, Blue Beetle (mention)
Rating: G
Prompt: #1, Transference
Word Count: 324
Spoilers: None
Warnings: None
Disclaimer: Don't own 'em.
A/N: AU. Batman needs a Robin. Booster needs a Beetle. Somethings in life are really just that simple. I feel like I shouldn't include this in my psych_30 prompts, because this is very much a Tim fic rather than a Booster fic. ...I'm ignoring that feeling and saying it counts anyway. Nyaaaaaaah. Gosh, I hope I got Tim's voice right.
Tim had to remind himself from time to time that he'd never intended to be Robin forever, or even as long as he had been. Just until a suitable replacement was found, and Steph was more than suitable. He wasn’t sure how he hadn’t noticed it earlier. Maybe he just hadn't wanted to.
Of course, being retired didn't mean that he cut off all contact with the superheroic community. Oracle kept him up-to-date on what was going on, Steph stopped by when she could, Kon had made a visit or two, and Ted Kord kept a regular e-mail correspondence with him. They didn't usually talk about the business (Ted could talk about almost anything at length and was often willing to), but it made Tim feel kind of good to know there was somebody who was even worse at retirement than he was.
Then, one day, Babs told him that Ted was dead. Tim didn't want to believe it at first, but Babs had footage from the Watchtower. Batman had evidence. And Booster Gold, apparently, had some sort of death wish.
So Tim watched the video a few more times. He did some research, he did some thinking, he did some planning, and he made a decision. He asked the Oracle to arrange a meeting with Booster Gold.
Getting out of the house was easier than Tim had thought it would be. But then again, he had been retired for a while, and his dad worried a lot less than he used to. Getting to the appointed meeting place was, of course, effortless, as was the waiting. Getting Booster to listen to him instead of Guy Gardner wasn't even as hard as he'd expected.
It was convincing Booster that was the hard part. But Booster did eventually relent. Tim felt a bit like what he was doing was a terrible idea, but by this point, sucking at retirement was practically a Blue Beetle tradition.