'...soon you'll find that if you try to save her, it renews her anger, you will never win...'

Sep 24, 2011 10:39

Revenge: Sadly, unlike the lead in TSC, I am not impressed by this show’s main chick. She’s too…bland, softly-spoken, unconvincing…I don’t get any sense of contained menace from her. I feel no underlying threat in her words, no leashed tigress quality in her movement, just…nothing to indicate she isn’t really an ordinary teen girl. Which, considering she’s meant to be on a mission of revenge, is kind of a problem.

It’s nothing to do with her age or appearance- one review pointed out if you cast someone like Summer Glau, it doesn’t matter how small and dainty and fragile she appears, she can bring the menace and the badass skills to make herself a credible predator.

However, I was hooked from nearly the first second- they had one line, ‘If you love me…’ Angus and Julia Stone! *squees* I adore this song, I’ve been listening to it on repeat recently, so hearing that one line made me wanna keep watching and not even skip over the boring scene-establishing parts so I could catch any more of the song incorporated into the show. ^_^

But while I love the song choice- it’s so cool they’re getting known, this is the second or third show of late that their music’s been featured on!- it doesn’t really make sense. It’s a love song. And the way they twisted it, turned it eerie sounding, ‘shining your light my way’ really doesn’t fit the scene at all. So I’m baffled by that.

HMM. Eric Van der Woodsen from Gossip Girl.

Also, I’m tempted to say the blond guy who said that the main chick ‘shouldn’t be here’ played young!Zedd when he got amnesia courtesy of Shota in s2 of LotS. But maybe it’s my imagination.

‘Queen Victoria’ is played by Madeleine Stowe, an actress I’m predisposed to like. She suffered valiantly in Closetland with a sadistic Alan Rickman *shiver* and again in 12 Monkeys with Bruce Willis. But she’s a far cry from those innocent, well-intentioned, do-gooder characters here, I believe. That’s always sad- when I like an actor in a role, I prefer to see them do similar work, however unrealistic that desire is. (like when I heard Stana was in a movie with Richard Gere, the plot for which involved a retired FBI agent coming to the aid of a rookie agent on a particularly challenging and gripping case. I, of course, hoped she was that rookie agent- but no, she’s the Russian prostitute. Yeah. Not seeing that movie now)

Anyway. She’s doing really well. I was shallowly impressed by her in the opening scene, she looked so elegant and it was amazingly picturesque seeing her race across the sand in that red gown. <3 But in the scene discussing the charity event, she’s making a favorable impression as a person. I love how she appears so demure and has this quiet delicate prettiness, but she’s got an edge to it, an air of ruthlessness.

And then she goes all soft and nurturing with her friend. Multi-faceted, presenting different aspects of her character, within one minute. That’s lacking in the leading lady, unforch. (I know Emily’s smile was meant to be chilly and foreboding, just after she bought a ticket to the party and her friend left, but it was unconvincing)

OMG! ‘Hold On’! Another Angus and Julia Stone song! YOU CAN STAY, SHOW. *bounces* You guys, if you don’t know this band, you really need to look them up. So much love!

I have to say. It’s really not a good sign when you’re being outacted by the little girl playing your character’s younger self in the flashback.

All righty, so the Hamptons people were involved in a conspiracy to frame her father. NAUGHTY. I’m wondering why the show is constantly compared to Alexander Dumas’ story. So…was the dude’s father falsely accused of a crime that he swore to avenge as well?

Emily:Do I look like a killer to you?
Me: Yes. You kill my patience.

Hey, Make It or Break It dude! I forget his name. The idiot that hooked up with Lauren while insulting Payson’s character by claiming that he loved her but broke her heart because he thought she was too prejudiced to deal with him being bisexual. Like. Dude. You can be attracted to guys and girls, that’s fine, Payson’s amazing in the way that it wouldn’t matter to her. But you don’t humiliate her and leave her broken-hearted ‘for her own good’ and justify it by making it sound like she’s a horrible narrow-minded person who wouldn’t accept you and then be all ‘well, I’m in love with her but I’m also in love with my best friend, who I kissed’ and then try to act like you’re such a noble, self-sacrificing hero. UGH. *stabs*

Also, I think Game of Thrones has corrupted my view of brother-sister relationships. When the chick threw herself at him in her itsy bitsy, teeny weeny, barely there bikini and he held her for a lingering hug with his hands roaming up and down her back…yeah. I wish for the innocent days when I wouldn’t have read into that.

That chick’s acting is kinda dodgy too. Her ‘I’m so excited’ thing was exaggerated and OTT in the way that suggests the exact opposite- if it turns out she actually hates her brother, I’ll take back my negativity and instead offer my sincere compliments to the actress, but yeah. ‘I’m heading down to the beach’ is not a proclamation of grand importance and should not be delivered in a tone that suggests as much. You’re not spilling corporate secrets! This is not a conspiracy to frame a man for terrorism! Just going to the beach, jeez, tone it down!

Oh, that… *stabs traitorous BFF* I hate that woman! Being comforted over her divorce by the wife of the man she’s sleeping with! THE NERVE. >:[ I think it’s a sign I’m invested when I’m more worried about what the discovery that her husband had a heart attack while shacked up with another woman will do to Victoria than with whether the man himself dies or not.

The ‘hehe, mah ebil plan is working’ face. Is it weird I kind of find this adorable? The revenge fantasy is an enticing scenario, ngl.

OMG. For the first time, I am feeling the lead actress. That moment when she sees her old dog and the boy she knew as a kid…actually, no. What I’m feeling is a surge of warm ‘n fuzzies from the younger kids and from the charming older version of the boy. It’s the situation the chick’s in, the memories from the past, the adorable dog and that temporary desire to reconnect with a younger, more innocent time that appeals to me. Her acting still isn’t connecting, imo. But it’s not that bad, she’s growing on me.

Just I wish it didn’t take sinfully cute dogs and d’aww-inducing flashbacks to make me warm to her. (how is that dog still alive after all these years? I’m guessing it’s been at least ten, I didn’t think dogs were that long-lived?)

I wonder how close Jack and Amanda were- she made a strong enough impression that he named his boat after her, so they must’ve been close. But he doesn’t recognize her grown up? Well, I suppose a little girl is very different from a grown woman, but still…he gave his boat her name!

OKAY, WHOA. The moment that Victoria put the pieces together and the way she grabbed her philandering husband’s face…CHILLS DOWN MY SPINE. This is what I’m talking about! She’s all sweetness and light on the outside, but in that moment, with the smile fading from her face, the swift way she seized hold of him, her expression, her tone…I honestly could’ve believed she’d snap his neck then and there! LOVE.

As of right now, I am into Victoria Grayson, and I find Jack with Sam endearing, as is Emily/Amanda’s friendship with Ashley.

NOTICE THE LONG LINGERING HAND-HOLDING? I really hope that she doesn’t hurt either of them, though I guess it’s inevitable. *sigh*

Victoria’s once-over of Nolan. DON’T TELL ME SHE’S SHAGGING HIM. (Oh. Huh. Ashley’s British thing is influencing my vocab, lol. She does have a lovely accent. I wish I spoke like that!)
Argh. The slo-mo sequence of Emily stalking Victoria through the windows should’ve felt darker and more menacing. I AM GETTING NOTHING FROM HER, DAMN IT. ACT BETTER.Victoria’s pinky finger is more threatening than Emily!

LOL. Okay, IDC how bad her acting is, that scene where she ‘innocently’ implicated Lydia was nicely staged. WELL PLAYED, EMILY.

Victoria, I love you, but that dress is hideous on you. The shade isn’t becoming at all on your pale complexion and it’s much too figure-hugging. Not flattering to the posterior at all. >_< actually, while I’m at it, Emily’s dress looks like a draped table-cloth. The Project Runway designers could make something more stunning and expensive-looking with under a hundred bucks, why are these ladies in the lap of luxury making such bad choices?

Fandom has corrupted my brain. I see femslash everywhere! Those two violinists, they were making eyes at each other, right? That’s not my imagination? (lol, I came across a comment yesterday about fandom's habit of making everything gay- I know it could just be two friends who are excited to be playing together, but...it's more fun the other way)

DOUBLE LOL. Victoria, so classy with her zingers. I applaud her move with awarding Lydia the Van Gogh that had been a gift from her, haha! (thank you, writers, I was paying attention, I didn’t need the exposition to clarify the connection here)

Oh, Jack. Why are you so amazing? I would not give up property or on my dreams for my father. What a champ.

What? Young!Zedd recognizes Amanda? How?!

Nolan’s a cool dude. She’s an idiot for not stringing him along. I mean, I don’t blame her for not allying with him straight off, but to antagonize him like that? *shakes head* He’s a gazillionaire! (although…she’s throwing heaps of cash around, how’d that happen? I’m sure she inherited nothing from the father suspected of funding terrorists that caused a plane crash)

I cringed so hard at her delivery of, ‘Amanda Clark no longer exists.’ SO. FLAT. UGH. Why can’t the little girl take the role? I’m sure she’d do a better job. *facepalm*

‘Board meetings are every other Wednesday but you don’t have to show up. I never do.’ *g* I really like this guy! He’s like the lesser man’s Tony Stark!

And that answers the question of how Amanda’s throwing around so much money. Although I do wonder what got her locked up in juvie. O.o

And why is she rocking the KStew look? Seriously, could be her doppelganger.

Gosh, déjà vu. This is TSC all over again- the child reading a letter from their deceased parent, complete with secrets in journal and a mysterious past they knew nothing about. (and the parents in both cases are complete jerks for leaving them in the dark- Cassie's mom, for leaving her untrained and at a loss for what to do with her powers when they manifest, and Amanda's father, for dumping all this on her when he's dead)

‘All I ask is that you do the one thing that has been so hard for me to do. Forgive.’ Er. Forgive…the people that framed him for horrible crimes and ruined her life? For serious? He maybe shouldn’t have told her a damn thing if he wanted her to have any semblance of happiness. This irritates me. Come on, dude, you had all that time she was locked up to go and see her and talk to her and help her through it, but you didn’t use it. So why dump the truth on her after your death when it would do no good and just cause her unnecessary pain? Cold as this sounds, it probably would’ve been easier if she went on thinking he was a criminal, instead of giving her a dead scapegoat and living criminals she’s supposed to do nothing against. Is he a moron? Either she suffers in silence, knowing they wronged her and won’t be punished, or she’ll go do something about it. Telling the truth wasn’t going to give her peace. *shakes head*

Ooh…the father and Victoria had an affair? O.O So cold! She destroyed her own lover, wow. Strangely, this doesn’t make me any less fond of her. Although I’m freely hating on the father. Hmm. My priorities are rather skewed…


Still not understanding their use of Angus and Julia Stone! Shining your light my way…how does that even apply?!

Otoh, I do love the way the ep ends.

With Emily and Victoria locking eyes and then daydreaming about each other while gazing out at the ocean. :P

The show itself is kind of great! I could really get hooked on this! I actually like the plot, it’s so interesting and satisfying in a darkly vengeful way! But the lead actress just… *tears out hair*I wish I didn’t get interested in shows where the main character annoys me, ack. Still, I think the rest of the cast and the plot (I cannot believe I’m actually watching for plot, whoa) tips the balance in favor of the show. I’m def checking out the next ep.
Charlie’s Angels. Damn, I wanted this to be good. I wanted to be able to squee and fangirl and flail all over this kick-ass show starring three tough, capable chicks. *shakes head* Yeah, not happening.

First of all…I found it hard to sympathize with them. I mean, the military chick, sure, ‘coz I assume she didn’t mean to kill whoever it was, if it was friendly fire or whatever, yeah, that’s a shame and not really her fault. But the privileged girl turn thief? Come on. And even worse, the dirty cop. That’s not a mistake! That’s being a terrible human being!

In TSC, people were getting irritated with Faye and saying, ‘Come on, she needs to tone it down’, ‘yeah, at least give us some backstory on her being bullied as a kid or something’. It sounds horrible, but I totally get that- we want her to be justified in some way. If you live in the lap of luxury and have every whim catered to and every opportunity in life and no troubles at all, then I’m not inclined to handwave it away like I would for a character who’s suffered some trauma in the past, something that explains why they’re a screw-up, why they’re acting out and behaving badly, y’know? It may not be right, not by any means, but it makes it more human and sympathetic.

That’s what I’m feeling right now with Rachel Taylor and the dirty cop.

Anyway, that aside. The dialogue is stilted so much, argh, and the technology so convenient. they could track a five second phone call? And retask satellites to check it out right away? Riiiight. I can deal with plot contrivances, but not when combined with a stiff, lifeless delivery.

All the kicking is highly stylistic but I can’t help thinking how ineffective it seems.

Omg, the dude got electrocuted by his tv? *headdesk*

Oh, spare me. ‘You don’t look like cops’/‘We’re not. We’re angels.’ I know this is meant to be heartwarming, but:

a) why would the girl think they don’t look like cops? Most kids these days, growing up on a diet of crime procedurals, would be familiar with the concept of undercover cops. Leather or a maid’s outfit isn’t that out there.
b) stop smiling at the girl in that intense creepy way and just frakking untie her already! Can’t you combine dialogue with action?

So far I’m unimpressed by Kate and Abby, but I do like Gloria. She seemed badass, totally terrified the crap out of the child peddling perv. I like her style!

OH, THEY DID NOT JUST KILL OFF THE ONE WOMAN I LIKE. Wait, she’s in the main credits. She’s a star. So she can’t be dead, right? She…staged her death for some reason? Maybe someone grabbed her just before she got to the car and staged her death? IDK!

‘Please tell me that she’s not really gone. That I’m just going to wake up and see her again.’ *headdeskwallfloor* HOW ARE THEY DELIVERING CRAPPY LINES LIKE THIS? I’m not saying it’s an unrealistic emotion, hoping it’s all a bad dream, but ugh, who actually says that IRL?

‘I never thought my heart could hurt this much.’ ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!

Okay, I’m going to try not to quote more dialogue. It’s only gonna be irritating and redundant for you all, but let me emphasize once more how shockingly bad it is. It's the epitome of why 'show, don't tell' is so important. If your characters have to spell it out- 'we were her family. We were like sisters!'- then that's really pathetic. That's not the sort of thing such close friends would have to tell each other! Clunky exposition, argh.

I can only hope it turns out later that they were acting for the benefit of some unknown party watching them. Because that’s the only way that hysterical overacting can be excused. Like on Leverage, when they’re being all OTT and crazy, it’s when they’re putting on an act for the mark.

I hate the ‘be careful’ at the best of times. It’s always so awkward and unnecessary. But here, right after he chastises them for packing weapons? It’s also bizarre. ‘Whoa, watch it with the weapons! Oh, hey, be careful’. What? Either you have a problem with them being armed or you have concerns that they’ll be able to protect themselves. It doesn’t make sense to go from one to the other in less than ten seconds.

Aiyiyi. The baddies are certainly carrying the Idiot Ball. If they’d hung around two more seconds, they could’ve easily picked off the girls. *eyeroll* I swear, if I were evil, I would actually be thorough and cover all contingencies instead of being so half-assed about my murder attempts.

Oh, damn. I have a feeling new chick’s gonna be an Angel. So Gloria’s def dead. WHYYYYY.

Okay, new chick- Eve?- is kinda cool. Too bad Abby’s being a douche. I get she’s upset, but why take it out on Eve and why alienate the one lead they have? Especially when her being targeted makes it seem likely she wasn’t involved in Gloria’s death? Making cracks about her losing her parents and ending up in an orphanage is really tacky.

I keep getting distracted by how much Eve reminds me of Leighton Meester (aka Blair Waldorf off Gossip Girl).

I call BS on the safe-cracking. Come on. How do you hack a biometric scanner? Why would they have a convenient option that allows you to reprogram it?

Augh. Now Eve is getting on my nerves; I know the whisper is meant to convey quiet intensity but it just makes her seem passive and uninterested.

‘He can’t hurt another girl’. ‘He won’t. You have our word.’ Um. Guys, the dude apparently killed your BFF. How can you make promises he’s not gonna hurt anyone else?

LOL. That baddie was taken out by one little girl? Yeah, not such a tough guy after all.

Y’know, my issue with the dialogue is not so much the sentiment, but the expression of it. ‘Their faces still haunt me every day’. It’s the kind of thing that I’m sure people feel, but I don’t hear them saying. Especially to strangers, especially someone in Eve’s situation with Eve’s history. I don’t see her confiding her heartache to the women she was prepared to kill just before.

I’m not a writer or anything, but if I were in charge, she’d be telling this story briskly and matter-of-factly with only a brief moment where she loses her grip on her composure and there’s a flash of pain behind that steely expression, etc. etc. Just as much a cliché as the ‘faces still haunt me’ thing, but I like it a lot more. *shrug*

Aww, Eve’s all soft and uncertain. *pets* It’s nice she’s enquiring after their approval to work with them to undermine the girl trafficking operation instead of being like ‘MY WAY, I MADE A PROMISE, HE DIES.’

Taking a break. This show has killed my interest.

Back now! After watching the vastly superior Body of Proof and Castle, I’m feeling better. Oookay. So.

The angels are infiltrating a party- heaven and hell theme. CONVENIENTLY APT. after they enter, that’s when Bosley decides to outline the kidnapping plan. *eyeroll* Not earlier, in private, when they could work through the details, but when he’s at the party, surrounded by guests and security, where he can look suspicious talking to himself. Smart choice.

Not nearly as smart as Kate and Abby leaving Eve- whose constant refrain is ‘I WANT TO KILL RODRIGO’- to keep an eye on him. *facepalm* Is it even worth saying this will not end well?

Omg, Abby sprays the appetizers right out in the open. SUPER SEKRIT SPY TECHNIQUES, I AM AWED BY YOUR SNEAKY WAYS.

I take it back. I don’t like Eve anymore. WTF with going to take a gander at the angel when there’s the mission to consider? Even if she’s not on the job, this is still about avenging her friend’s murder! Not the time to play tourist, gawking at displays! MORON.

I can’t even feel bad for her getting tortured, because her idiocy got her captured in the first place. What was she even hoping to accomplish? ‘I’ve been delayed, don’t wait’- but why? She already knew that guy was a cold bastard, what was haring off after the angel supposed to achieve?

Augh, the guy torturing her doesn’t even sound invested in the interrogation. His last few repetitions of ‘who took Nadia?’ sound half-hearted.

Why why WHY do Bosley and Kate just stand there gazing at the captive girls? Why does Bosley reassure them they’re safe while standing meters away, being completely useless? LESS STARING, MORE ACTION, PLEASE. Maybe try freeing the girls instead of wasting valuable time taking in the sight of them all chained up! I thought these people were professionals? Jeez.

I love the way Rodrigo or whatever his name is moves his hand and deliberately drops the gun. It’s not that he’s injured and weakly lets it slip from his grasp, he contorts his arm so as to drop it away from his body. Wtf. Dude’s been hit by a car and all banged up and the actor still can’t sell that he dropped his gun.

I feel no sense of triumph at Eve pronouncing his fate. Complete. Lack. Of. Investment.

Bosley gets cooler and cooler. I snickered at his smartass interaction with Nadia (when she demanded to know who he really was- ‘Heartbreaker’ and then later on when they leave her bound on the airplane, he makes the motion signaling he’ll call her? LOL) and then when he detailed his crime…come on. Tax fraud of the type he described? Yeah, I can’t get worked up over it (especially when I’ve entertained fantasies of taking a dollar from everyone in the country and how rich that would make me at very little cost to others). That’s the kind of crime you have a lead commit when you want them to remain sympathetic! Not a pampered princess burgling for the heck of it or being a dirty cop. *glares at the ladies*

I gave it a fair go. I walked in without prejudice, even inclined to view it favorably, but it just started off terrible and got steadily worse (for me, anyway, this is all obv imho). Not even gonna bother with ep 2, unless I read good reviews. Shame, I was really hoping a series starring badass women would be awesome, but sad to report, that ain’t the case.

Definitely rating The Secret Circle and Revenge above this. (gosh, I thought the latter was bad, when I couldn’t make myself like the main chick- but this was so much worse, with me liking NONE of the main chicks and finding the plot totally crap)

Thoughts, feelings, agree/disagree on either/both?
Fringe!spam: YOU GUYS. I did not know Fringe was coming back! Thank goodness I decided to have a look at woodchoc_magnum's friends page (er, that was just 'coz I accidentally posted this entry too early- sorry to anyone whose page I killed! I hit enter and LJ for some reason decided to post it *headdeskwallfloor*- but then I realized LJ prob wouldn't show my own entry on someone else's flist, so) and saw the ONTD post with this pretty cast pic:


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charlie's angels, fringe, ep analysis, revenge

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