Person of Interest. *sighs fondly* Look, it’s not love, but it does entertain me. And it has the distinct honor of being the only show where a line like ‘Try the Eggs Benedict, I’ve had them many times’ could make me smile widely at it being a display of growing trust and camaraderie. D’aww. *snuggles Finch and Reese* Since ep 1, I’ve been wishing Finch wouldn’t be so antisocial and pushing Reese away at every turn, and just when I’d given up on hoping he’d give an inch, whaddya know? A small olive branch, but one nonetheless, and to The XX’s Intro, which is one of my fave pieces of instrumental music ever. ♥ Yeah, ep 5 makes me happy.
Glee. I love Sue. I know a lot of people think she’s evil, but man, does she ever make sense. I really buy her campaign. Maybe she’s doing it for the wrong reasons, but she is very convincing- between funding for kids with disabilities and funding for kids to do things like put on productions (that aren’t even being run by teachers in the arts, but by unqualified teachers in different fields and a student)…yeah, I would vote for Sue. This is why I love the writing for her character- just ‘coz she’s the villain of the piece doesn’t mean they make her campaign shoddily run, they give her super compelling reasons! Why is it they can make her so sympathetic and yet make Will a douchebag of monumental proportions whose face I never not want to smash with a hammer?
gpgurl50 and I
totally called what happened in that final Shelby scene. I knew it, I knew from the moment she was introduced that was gonna happen. UGH, SMH.
And I’m really sad I can’t fangirl Quinn anymore. It’s been a long while since I’ve been fond of her, but now I actively dislike seeing her on my screen, and it’s such a shame, because Dianna Agron is so pretty but her character makes me angry. And I actually liked Finn in this ep, wtf, is the sky falling?!
Finally, oh, typical Glee. They have like, a hundred scenes of bullying, some even perpetrated by the main characters, but of course only Finn calling Brittany stupid is explicitly called out as bullying. Everything else is just comic relief. At least Rachel wasn’t being targeted, which is a pleasant change.
(does anyone have links to this shoot? I'd love a bigger version of this pic)
Castle was rather boring this week. I skipped a lot of scenes, tbh. I watch for Castle and Beckett investigating things with lively banter, not for them split up and this whole hostage scenario in a bank wasn't my thing.
Especially ‘coz I kept wanting Castle to sit down and keep his mouth shut instead of trying to play hero and maybe GETTING HIMSELF OR OTHERS KILLED. Dude, just keep everyone calm and stop trying to interject yourself into the proceedings. And the one helpful thing he could've done, which was take pictures of the baddies and send it to Beckett, he didn't do. Like, why describe them if you can send photos of the perps? IDGI. He should've left his phone on a shelf so it could record what was happening and show Beckett and co the situation. Ok, IDK if that's possible, but considering how advanced mobile phone tech is these days, I'm sure something like that could've been arranged.
(Maybe I’m just out of sorts ‘coz this reminds me a lot of Die Hard- especially the whole ‘pregnant lady needs cushions and people need toilet breaks’ appeal he made, I swear, they lifted dialogue out of that movie, about how it was ‘going to get messy’, etc.- and considering I adore Alan Rickman and he DIES IN EVERYTHING, DAMN IT, the association made me snappy)
And I know everyone found it really romantic, but I was in disbelief at how blatantly Beckett telegraphed her relationship with Castle, it’s ridiculous the baddies didn’t pick up on that. I really wish people could be professional, god.
There's a guy there who's suffered an epileptic fit, apparently, and she wants to spend time holding Castle's hand? Seriously? Just endangering him all the more, she knows the main baddie is already chomping at the bit to blow his brains out, so I cannot sympathize with her lingering by him here. Maybe I'm just heartless, but I'd be in and out, and doing all I can to help get them out safely, not putting him in more danger.
To give her credit, though, at first I thought she was going to be super arrogant and demand to be on the case, which I was prepared to headdesk over. Her challenging the negotiation guy was a bit irritating, but at least she listened to him and didn't try to take over. At least she realized that her being in love with Castle didn't guarantee her a spot on the frontlines, though it took a bit. (I'm afraid we're meant to see that guy as really mean for insisting she GTFO, but come on, she's not trained for that and she had no business butting in. I liked that she admitted she had no idea what to do and was nervous at being given that responsibility later on, that was endearing, I wanted to squish her. How terrifying to think that one wrong word could get people killed all 'coz you didn't pacify the hostage taker, ugh)
This was so sweet, though, she is so clearly in love with him! I loved how her eyebrows drew together questioningly when Castle was just gazing at her and then she smiled even wider as she put her hand on his chest, d'aww!
And lol, Martha, ILU. 'Hello, other hostages waiting to be freed!' *g*
Funnily enough, one of the bits I also liked is what 99% of fandom hates- Alexis’ behavior. Everyone is increasingly irritated by her- I’ve seen comments about how she’s so immature and bratty and god, why doesn’t she grow up already? But much as I like her and her relationship with Castle, I find her to be a real Mary Sue. I didn’t want to admit that- WHO WAS IT THAT POINTED OUT SHE WAS A SUE, CANNOT UNSEE, ARGH- but it was hard to deny, I mean, she’s way too perfect. Every time she was super angelic and like, grounded herself and gave herself curfews and took text books on holiday and FREAKING CRIED OVER NOT PAYING FOR A TRAIN TICKET and paid for the stuff her friends shoplifted…oh, seriously? No way in hell this kid is human. There’s a difference between the DEVIL CHILD syndrome and being as unrealistically flawless as Alexis has been for three seasons.
Don’t get me wrong, I was really happy for there to be a show where finally the main character’s kid isn’t a nightmare but it was way too saccharine for me at times. So I welcome this new depth to her character. And I do think it’s depth. Look at it from her pov, she was at a funeral where someone was shot in front of her eyes. I know we’re all desensitized to this, ‘coz we’re fans of crime procedurals, but for Alexis, as a kid who’s been so sheltered, this is her witnessing violence up close and personal, and worst of all, her beloved father was in the line of fire. And the only reason he’s there is because of Beckett. With whom he’s clearly in love, but who isn’t making any reciprocal advances in his direction.
Alexis is a smart kid. She knows he’s in love with her, I’m sure of it, and if I were her, I’d resent Beckett for being the motivation her father has to walk into danger, day after day, without even showing any signs of returning his feelings. From her pov, this woman is the reason Castle could be seriously hurt or even killed. So yeah, I get her being rather cold to Beckett.
Was her ’they better be’ unwarranted? Yes, it’s not Beckett’s fault they walked into a bank which got held up, and even if Beckett fumbled the negotiations, it wouldn’t be her fault if the baddies killed them. But with all that resentment building up over all that time, I can understand her lashing out unfairly at Beckett in that situation of high stress and fear and just being a girl who’s terrified the only people she loves are going to die and having nobody to comfort her.
IDK, guys, I find Alexis really sympathetic and human and I just feel people are judging her a bit too harshly. I don’t expect everyone to agree with me, ofc, you’re all entitled to your opinions. It’s just that I think the new wave of anti-Alexis sentiment in fandom is ‘coz she’s finally started acting like a real girl, which is a shame, ‘coz that’s why I’m really interested in her for a change.
After all that, I'll finish up on a positive note. I loved the final scene, with Martha embracing Beckett. I love scenes where she's included in family happenings and welcomed so warmly and treated like one of them, so that made me happy. Beckett in casual at a Castle dinner, being so open and happy and carefree, it was lovely. <3
ETA. I know most of you adore Castle and look, I love 90% of what this show chooses to be, it's only bits and pieces here and there that I question. Don't hate me? But I am still a fan, really!
Meme: This thing is freakishly accurate. I cannot get over how well it pegged me. O.O
Your result for The Golden Compass Daemon Test...
The Honest Soul.
You are a talkative, open kind of person. You wear your heart on your sleeve, and you trust people not to break it. In a way, you are as honest and trusting as a child. You are comfortable with who you are and have a strong sense of self, but you are also a little sensitive. Hurtful remarks, especially from people whose opinion you value, have the power to wound you terribly.
You tend to be open about your thoughts and opinions, and you find it difficult to hide your emotions from people. You like to share your thoughts, opinions, and emotions with people, and to hear theirs in return. When someone disagrees with you or offends you, you will take them up on it, whether they are friends or strangers. You don't mind a friendly debate, but become upset when things get hostile. You wish that people wouldn't take everything so personally, but simply think calmly about things.
You have a close knit group of friends and family for whom you would sacrifice almost anything. You don't like big parties full of strangers - you would rather spend your time with the people whom you really care about. You need a private spot where you can retreat when the world gets to be too much, but you want to be able to emerge from your "den" and find your loved ones there to heap love and affection upon you.
Your daemon would represent your loving, open nature, and he or she would probably spend a lot of time encouraging you to be independent and to do the right thing.
Suggested forms: Dog, Otter, Marmoset, Saw-Whet Owl, Songbird, Chinchilla.
Take The Golden Compass Daemon Test at
HelloQuizzy I want an otter like Hermione’s Patronus! :D Or an owl… No clue what a chinchilla is, though. Anyway, what occurs to me is that this result is totally accurate more for who I am online. Because I’m more myself on LJ, which is kinda weird, I suppose, but I am very closed off IRL and I don’t always share my thoughts, feelings and emotions or be talkative and open, even though that’s who I really am. LJ lets me express my true personality, which is pretty awesome. It’s too bad I can’t be more this person IRL, but oh well, I’ve accepted that my kind of personality doesn’t translate so well, lol. Guess that’s the whole ‘comfortable with myself’ part of it, too.
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