Re: postcards/wands- I am finally getting organized and trying to sort out who I’m sending what. I’m going to be pm’ing the people who initially commented for a Harry Potter postcard/wand to ask for addresses, but if somehow I miss you, it’s because I’m blind or careless, not that I secretly hate you, so just remind me, okay? And of course, if
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Comments 58
I might rewatch the mini-series someday, because that ends on a happy note (it's so positive compared to the rest of the show!) but I don't think I can ever bear to sit through the series again!
Except for 'Tigh Me Up, Tigh Me Down' (?) 'coz that was HILARIOUS and they needed more eps like that...
But Roslin/Adama have a special place in my heart (mostly because they're amongst the few non-slash ships I have) ♥ ♥
And I personally really disliked the finale. As you say, it was underwhelming. Besides that, I'm biased, 'coz I hate that they killed off Roslin, seriously, couldn't they let us believe that she and Adama got some time to be happy together? Why kill her like that?! I was sobbing my heart out as he was talking about their cabin and then she slipped away in the middle of it. ;_; BRB, CRYING FOREVER.
5, all I can think of is, Wendy/Captain Hook from Peter Pan. Is that it? (PROBABLY WAY OFF THE MARK.)
And yessss, you are TOTALLY SPOT ON with #5, lol. I would clarify that it is the fanfic that got me into it, Wendy's too much of a child in the movie!
Although his seductive manner around her is all kinds of fodder for ficcage, haha. Jason Isaacs is just... *heart!splodes* That man's hawtness cannot be overstated! :P
Seriously, Jared/Parker was the awesome. I was shipping them when I was six, yo. xD
Aww, you saw them at that young age? *envies* I only came across them years later, when I was in my late teens, and the show/fandom was over. *pout*
Lol, how did your 6yo self ship them?! I don't think that at that age I would've gotten how a person could be hunting down another person and it's still romantic!
MISS YOU, TOO, BB. *snugglesquish* ILU! ♥
(mama's dropping me off at my unit now, so I won't be on again til next week, argh, but it's still so lovely to have our brief moments together!)
Heh, my dad loved that show, I used to watch it with him when I was wee!Ren xD
Bahaha, my 6y/o self just decided they belonged together and that was that. I always felt older than my age and I understood all that stuff about how people who are basically okay can get jaded and lose sight of who they are and who they used to be. They kept having flashbacks with those two when they were young and it just sorta made sense that Parker wasn't evil, she was just sort of broken. /ramble
*huggles* ILUx3 :D
(failll. I shall miss you, bb! *waves hankie dramatically* farewell, dahling )
So jealous you had a parent into that kind of show! I tried to get mother to watch one ep with me and she agreed- but then something came up and she took off and believe me, I spent all evening sulking over it, lol.
You were so damn precocious! I can't imagine at that age being able to understand it- although yeah, it does help with the flashbacks to their younger selves, haha. I loved those little kids, I wonder if they're still acting these days? *must IMDB sometime*
(lollll, your dramatics amuse me! *cuddleglomp*)
I also am completely with you when it comes to shipping/characters/PEOPLE THAT ARE ONLY UNREAL BY DEFINITION. My original guys that live in my head neverrrr shut up. (Unless I'm trying to write them, ha.)
Heee, I'm glad to be spared the writer's burden. I know it's immensely rewarding at times, but I have so much more fun reading the fruits of other people's labor, mwahaha! *iz lazy*
IAWTC (mine are all originals, which is in some ways worse because I'm just about the only one that can rant about them)
It felt good, though, at my lame course thingy yesterday, I took a wand for a classmate who absolutely adores HP- she missed out on the wand, 'coz her kids promised to get it, and then they FORGOT, so I felt really awesome when I gave one to her and she was so thrilled! She ripped it open straight away and spent the day playing with it and being all giddy, hee. YAY ME.
Aww, I'm sorry the store didn't have anything for you. I feel lucky that mine had several Slytherin t-shirts. There were a few Hufflepuff ones as well, but I feel like Slytherin's unpopular, so that's why there were more of those left, hee. MORE FOR ME
The Stupefy one was baffling. Like. What's the relevance of that? The word itself isn't exciting, the spell isn't that massive in HP (expelliarmus, I'd get, but stupefy?!) so hmm ( ... )
Yeah I saw that trio one online, I'll be going around to a few stores I'm sure I'll find something. But thanks for the offer.
Haha, well, I got Hook/Wendy at least (even if I wasn't first) I click leave comment and made sure not to read any before commenting. XD
Ah that makes sense they tend to have brigs/jails on the spaceships shows don't they? Boats & ships. *nods* I want to be in JAG just so I can either be put in the brig or put someone else there! :D
I knew 2 wasn't Mentalist but its all I could think of! :P
Cool, I hope you get lucky. ^_^ And no worries, I owe you one! *squish* So lemme know if I can ever do anything for you. <3
I believe youuuu. I think the 'walk the plank' bit helped with that, y/y, 'coz otherwise it was pretty vague, lol.
WHY WOULD YOU WANT TO BE PUT IN THE BRIG? THAT WOULD MEAN YOU'RE A BAD OFFICER/SOLDIER/WHATEVER. O.o You need to be amazing so you can ascend through the ranks and be HBIC and put people in the brig! Don't settle!
Hehe, it's a really obscure movie that nobody's heard of, I'm sure (or would scoff at, if they know it). That's the one which features an actress from another two of the ships.
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