Real life: Class is frequently irrelevant, but worse, we often stray into huge debates about issues that irk me immensely. The other day, one of the women goes, ‘My daughter’s friends had the shortest skirts, they were barely covered…’
‘…and I told them, ‘Don’t come crying to me if you get raped’. Lovely!
Then a whole bunch of other oldies joined in, talking about how girls are the ones putting themselves at risk and they should dress more appropriately instead of showing off so much skin. I don’t often speak up in class, because all the older women are so insanely talkative and won’t shut up, but this really bugged me.
I objected to the suggestion that girls are asking to be assaulted or that they ought to have to dress a certain way to avoid being attacked. But oh no, they kept going on about how indecently girls dress these days and how irresponsible THEY are, like they’re the one INVITING guys to assault them. >:[
I love how nobody in the class brought up how despicable the rapists are that prey on these women in the first place. Just the attitude of, ‘oh, those skanks, what do they expect? Dressed like that, they’re asking for trouble’.
Wilma has a screw loose- she actually got mad at her daughter for how her FRIENDS were dressing. Like she shouldn’t associate with them because they like to show some leg! UGH. I get policing what your own child wears, but I’d hate to have her as a mother- how embarrassing to have her scolding your friends for their attire!
Cathy, the teacher, finally chimed in, supposedly on my side, saying that it’s not like men aren’t responsible for their actions, that they can’t control themselves, but then she also agreed that females do contribute to some extent, like being out late at night. GOD FORBID. Obviously all the nice, chaste females should stay indoors after 8pm and any who wander outdoors beyond that are being reckless and knowingly signing away their right to be safe and unmolested.
(not even going into all the cases where women are raped in their own homes or when their manner of dress isn’t even revealing)
From there, Cathy moved the conversation to a discussion on her theory as to why females wear such scanty clothing. ‘Girls reach their teens and naturally start looking for a mate. It goes back to prehistoric times; they instinctively start to advertise themselves because they’re searching for a partner’.
I again spoke up, this time to say this was a generalization, not ALL girls acted like that. Cathy totally dismissed that by telling me she was just saying that if you take away society, we’re all naturally programmed to want partners, and girls automatically start seeking their mate when they hit the teenage years. I don’t see how that clarifies or qualifies her statement- seems to me like she’s saying all females are geared toward hooking a man, it’s the natural way of life, and only the unnatural or abnormal ones don’t.
I’m honestly not looking for things to be pissed off about, I want to like her, I want to get through this bloody course. But the things that come out of people’s mouths… *clutches head* Like this gem from Cathy, when I was walking up to the table with morning tea for the FIRST TIME that morning. ‘Oh, Annie’s going to stuff her face again’. *grinds teeth* Frelling tralk.
Oh, and then there's Wilma insisting I have to get pregnant at some stage. Never mind me firmly stating I have no interest in children at all, oh no, her exact words were, ‘Every woman has to give birth at least once.’ ARGH. I absolutely hate how condescending people get, acting like they know better, like it’s an obligation you can’t pass up, like it’s so unbelievable one might not want to have offspring! *fumes*
Fandom: Damn my curiosity! I’ve been checking out entries at
womenlovefest and couldn’t resist clicking on the
In Defense of Bella Swan. ARGH. I’m just so easy to sway, GDI! I’ve hated Bella since forever, but this stupid essay has me reluctantly acknowledging certain points and seeing things in a different light and thinking maybe she’s not as much of a moronic, useless, lobotomized twit as I used to think. CURSE IT. I used to take comfort in knowing that I would always have the same low opinion of Bella and now that certainty has been rocked. *le horror*
Although tbh, my problem with the series was always and still is (I’m not totally sucked in!) how crappy and failtastic the writing is. And that essay still hasn’t convinced me she’s not a Mary Sue, simply justified some of her behavior. But yeah. BEWARE ITS BRAINWASHING POWERS.
I’m rather sad I haven’t seen a post for Elizabeth Weir, btw. Teyla and Carter have posts, and I think I saw Vala on the list. Where’s the love for Elizabeth? She’s probably the most hated character, female or otherwise, on the show. >_< FFS, they still have posts on fandomsecrets hating on Torri and ranting that Jessica Steen’s blonde!Elizabeth should’ve been cast for SGA. ETA. My bad, she does have
a post! Woohoo! :D
Merlin continues to disappoint me greatly- in a ten episode season, they’ve managed to add at least three villainous females.Not including Morgana and Morgause. Wtf is it with this show and evil women?
Not to say that it doesn’t have its share of male baddies, just that it’s rather lopsided when you handwave away the actions of the genocidal tyrant king bent on wiping out an entire segment of the population if there’s a mere suspicion they’ve been born different and actively have the title character striving to save his life practically every second ep, not to mention the other main hero generally agrees to abide by his father’s ways and accepts the way things are…but then condemn every single woman who doesn’t think the same way as Merlin, ‘oh, it’s okay for him to persecute magical people, meanwhile, I’ll condemn a former friend for doing something about it, even while I chill out with the DRAGON THAT BARBECUED INNOCENT PEOPLE FOR NO GOOD REASON’. Frakking hypocrite.
But let me try not to be too bitter before it even starts. Here’s what I’m looking forward to:
#1. KICKASS MORGANA- who’s honed her powers and is a complete HBIC, according to Katie! ‘Morgana’s become a lot more powerful in the last year and her magic is as strong as Merlin’s now!’
(side-note: why can I not get the phrase ‘and my will as strong’ out of my head now? *facepalm*Also, I love whoever gets that reference)
Moar Katie prettiness!
I love that she’s calling herself the ‘Darth Vader’ of the show. The wardrobe staff certainly got that memo. *eyes black dresses and cloaks* Hoo boy, lookit that make-up.
#2. Morgana/Morgause. D’you know, I actually forgot these two are supposedly half-sisters? Like, I saw a fic the other day warning for incest and was all O.o BZUH-? Oh, that’s right, they are meant to be related. Huh!
a) IDC, I shipped two different pairings and both were destroyed by the incest bombshell, IDGAF anymore and b) it’s nowhere near as squicky as her with either Pendragon and the two ladies have a heckload of chemistry atm. (So much that the writers make Morgause call her ‘sistahhhh’ like, ten times an ep, but I AM NOT FOOLED)
On another note, I hope Morgause heals okay. Wtf is up with her face?
She got slammed against a wall, not burned. O.O She better not get burned at the stake or something.
#3. Ladies kicking Merlin’s butt. Painfully and often, please. I have no visual confirmation of this, but it has to happen, right? Morgana’s not gonna be pleased with Merlin, she has to get to beat him up some, y/y?
#4. Nathaniel Parker! I used to love this man on Inspector Lynley, so it’s a nice surprise to see him in a recurring role!
LOL. Working hard, I see! I love pics when actors are still dressed in character but acting totally OOC. It's hilarious. ^_^
He seems to be having a great time! I'm happy he got to be on the show and having fun. ^_^
HMM. IDK, that’s about it? GDI, show, why do you have to have such awesome ladies whose potential you screw up so bad? I wish I knew how to quit you. But Katie McGrath! And Emilia Fox! *whimpers* Damn their addictive femslashy goodness!
I think I’m going to have to make a list of ships that are dysfunctional/inappropriate but adorable anyway- like, ‘half-sisters who can’t keep their hands off each other as they scheme to take the throne’, etc. In contrast to my earlier
list of ships in which most of my OTPs were trying to capture or kill each other.
Speaking of! revengent took that idea and ran with it, later deciding to write a ficlet for each of her ships. I thought this was brilliant and applauded her determination, but quailed at the thought of writing fics myself. I am afraid I’m not up to that challenge. Therefore, I’ve decided to attempt to make fanvids for each. Not claiming I’m a genius vidmaker or nothing, just that I think that’d be easier for me than trying to do justice to their characters in writing!
Vidspam: Lisa/Jackson from Red Eye. So what if he’s holding her hostage and threatening to kill her father if she doesn’t help him assassinate a politician and his family? The chemistry is incredible! Also, I’m really delighted to finally have been able to use F+tM for something! I love love LOVE this song.
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