Revenge: Sadly, unlike the lead in TSC, I am not impressed by this show’s main chick. She’s too…bland, softly-spoken, unconvincing…I don’t get any sense of contained menace from her. I feel no underlying threat in her words, no leashed tigress quality in her movement, just…nothing to indicate she isn’t really an ordinary teen girl. Which,
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Comments 43
I havent watched Body of Proof or Castle yet but I did download them and plan to enjoy them this weekend, probably Sunday. There are spoilers everywhere *argh interwebs* and I'm getting a feeling I might lose some love for both shows this season but I'm surely gonna try cuz they entertained me hardcore last season so......
Did you see the CM premiere? I enjoyed it a lot and it made me all happy to have my team back while still being worried that its not back to where I want it to be. But since this is only the 2nd of 6 premieres that I found even remotely interesting, I'm ready to try to give it another shot. But I wont hold on too long if its not going to be good.
Damn, I need to reiterate how bad Charlie's Angels sounded. I wanna hug you for just making it through the whole thing.
You will totally love them, I think! I'm only halfway through Castle but it's being pretty decent so far. I gotta say, as of right now, I'm not hating the boss! My biggest fear was that the hardass female antagonist boss would ruin the show, but she's not objectionable thus far.
Body of Proof? AS AWESOME AS EVER. ♥___♥ I am so so SO in love with this show! :D Lots of fabulous moments. *squees* I'm still excited. I might rewatch it this weekend, hee.
I...think I might d/ CM after all. I lost faith in it after the absymal showing last season, but if you and woodchoc_magnum rather liked it and didn't hate on too many things, then I think I should give it a go. I am fair that way ( ... )
I was shocked Criminal Minds was good and that's the truth. As I said, I dont know what to expect from the rest of the season but Mayhem is the only season premiere in its history that didnt make me fall asleep so I wasnt expecting much. Hasnt felt that good in a long time to be shocked. And I'm writing post-ep fic so that means it was really good. Plus Hotch had a beard....that was *almost* worth everything.
I really do love Body of Proof and Castle, for completely different reasons so I hope they dont lose my interest this season. BoP is on the fence because I've always hated Jeri Ryan and wasnt even gonna watch the show but Dana Delany love swept me in. But Jeri Ryan could still end up turning me off cuz i really, really, REALLY do not like her.
I'm not watching any new shows though, my attention span is really just too short to get wrapped up in something else.
That...bodes well for the season if the first ep's got you enjoying it, despite your low expectations. Writing fic for it, even, that does speak volumes!
Hotch's beard, lol. The things the writers will throw in...did they actually develop an entire storyline around TGibs' beard? That's kinda hilarious.
HMM. May I ask why you hate Jeri Ryan? I mean, I hated her way back when, with Star Trek: Voyager, but that was 'coz her character/storylines sucked, aggravated the hell out of me. When I saw her in a different show, I fell in love. But it sounds like the actress that bugs you specifically.
Fair enough! I don't think you're missing out on anything much. I mean, if another Castle or BoP wanders up, I'll badger you about 'em, but I doubt it. *sigh*
I'm...not the smartest viewer around. I do tend to miss things, so it's good when other people can clear it up for me. 'coz...I thought he wasn't in jail for at least a while? I mean, if he invested in...billionaire kid, what's his name, Nolan, a guy in jail couldn't be doing business, could he? I got the impression he'd have to be out and free to do that. But I don't have a great grasp on jail protocol, so maybe he was internet banking from prison. But how could he invest in Nolan's scheme, wouldn't his funds be frozen? *clutches head ( ... )
I've heard people wondering how this show could last more than one season. I mean, there's only so many people in the Hamptons, right? Maybe they could have some reveals like her dad wasn't so nice after all. Or maybe some of the people she destroyed will try and come back and get her. There's possibilities.
btw, did you get my lil' pm with the linkage to the secret? I'm still waiting for you to say something to me either on the post or in pm about it.
Hey, I liked those movies! :P
I diiiiid indeed! Sorry, I don't get a lot of time online, so when I do, it's like 'read comments, look at flist, post entry, try to answer comments...' It takes me a long while to get to things, unforch. >_< I hope I can get internet at home soon, I really hate missing out on people's posts.
BUT WOOHOO, LUCKY YOU. *zips lips*
You know, you can watch the original on DVD now. You've heard of DVDs right? ;-b LOL
I'm all for making reboots, IF THEY'RE GOOD!! LOL
Yes, zip those lips.
Yeeees, but I'm...prejudiced against old shows. It's a flaw, I know, but what can you do? Short of reprogramming my brain...which would be cool if you could...
ORLY, so there's been a reboot or two that've met your high standards? *arches brow*
Yes, ma'am! *salutes*
I AM DOWNLOADING RIGHT NOW, WOOHOO. *prays internet connection holds up* The library internet was really slow before, pleeeease work. *bites nails*
YAYYYYYY. *prayer circle for your Internet connection*
So strange though. Like, I just watched the episode live, and now your downloading it and it's already well onto tomorrow for you. WEIRD.
It's at 48% right now! Your prayers are appreciated!
Haha, your tomorrow is my today! It's Sat afternoon, nearly 1:30pm atm. Lemme guess, it's about 9:30 where you're at? (I think in general, the US is seven/eight hours ahead and a day behind or something, not accounting for daylight savings, etc)
I AM OKAY WITH WEIRD IF IT MEANS I GET MY FRINGE FIX THIS WEEKEND. I thought for sure I wouldn't be able to get it til Monday, so this time diff is working out to my benefit! :D And just when I have Wicked Wings at home, hehe, good thing I didn't pig out last night, I can have 'em with Fringe now. *positive thinking*
Wow, this new d/l link is doing well- it's at 56% now!
It's prob a good thing you're not watching the new shows coming out- prob a bunch of them will be cancelled, leaving many fans devastated. And the rest are subpar, so...
Anyway, fandom's still thriving on older shows/series, so you're still relevant! *squish*
I don't think I'd be watching all these new shows if it weren't for the lack of internet at home. I get SO BORED that I'm trying anything and everything to keep occupied. If I had lj, I wouldn't be bothering...
Yeah, the main is reason why is because most of them don't seem interesting to me. I'm much happier watching reruns of old t.v. shows. Still, besides Game of Thrones, I do enjoy America's Next Top Model, Project Runway, and The Walking Dead. And I did enjoy the Tudors and Avatar: The Last AIrbender while they were still on. Oh, and SpongeBob, of course. So, I'm not COMPLETELY out of touch. XD
Xena, Hercules, I Love Lucy, Fraiser, 90s nicktoons will always be relevant to me!
Ha, Ma and I OD on Project Runway and the various Top Models! We're watching Australia's NTM atm.
You gonna watch the new A:TLA? Or...whatever it's called, Legend of Korra, something or other. I've long resisted Airbender, while adoring fanfic of it, but since a lot of people on my flist are eager for Korra's show, I might give in and check it out, lol.
Aww, good memories of Xena and Herc! I've been d/l a few eps recently (the Callisto eps, haha), it's fun revisiting them.
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