2. Neville 3. Uhh dunno. Original movies or new ones? Or is that cheating? Gah. I'll guess Han Solo, because Harrison Ford is sexy. 6. Cordelia 9. I was going to say Mark, as well, but for the sake of choosing someone else, I'll say Maureen.
Hey, this is random, but I was looking for Veronica Mars communities on here to find a picture to make an icon and you popped up, I guess as a user who had it listed. I saw your journal title, which happens to be one of my favorite scenes from one of my favorite shows, and so I looked at your journal at which point I realize you like everything that is awesome haha. Just wanted to let you know. Kate
Comments 12
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Though some of your choices were number two.
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2. Ginny
3. Leia
6. Willow
9. Mark
3. Uhh dunno. Original movies or new ones? Or is that cheating? Gah. I'll guess Han Solo, because Harrison Ford is sexy.
6. Cordelia
9. I was going to say Mark, as well, but for the sake of choosing someone else, I'll say Maureen.
4. Bailey
5. Mac
8. Maeby
9. Angel
Just wanted to let you know.
I actually just rewatched "17 People" last night. Boy do I love that episode. I can't believe I've only been a rabid West Wing fan for two months now.
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