ok its one thing if u smoke a lil reef, its one thing if u do it everyday and other drugs that destroy your body. if u dont drink or smoke u know what thats cool but u dont have to go around telling everyone and being unified. im not saying i hate people who are straight edge. i jsut htink its gay and a scene.
fuck you leftover crack hasn't brainwashed me, the only thing leftover crack does is tell people to open their minds. and the government tells society to not do drugs. im enjoying life more than ever now. so fuck you, why dont you leave a name
Dont gt me wrong i lvoe LOC, but their fans get brainwashed by there music, and media tells us not to do drugs,alcohol is forced on TV and praised on TV, LOC as osme good points I do belive some peopel are blinded by flag and affraid to stand u for wahat they truly belive in but I have seen them brainwash people through their music. as faras my name goes, I dont know you so why should you know me?
yea well the people who get brainwashed by loc are stupid and im not one of them. i think if your gunna post a comment on my journal and your gunna judge me you should at least leave your name.
whatever, rock the 40 oz when you want, drugs and alcohol just let you block that part of your brain, and lets you chill out for a bit. not good all the time, but whatever. kevin is a fucking hot ass bitch, who rocks www.netflix.com which is the shit.
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