Some people have bad days, or occasionally a bad week. I get bad seasons and so far this fall has been no exception. I just hope things change, permanently.
I have to say I agree with Jeff. I encourage you to pray about God showing you where He wants you to go. I also want to encourage you by saying that you dont have to know what all the plans are anyway. I once heard (and I dont remember where) "If you want to make God laugh, show Him your plans". Sooo true. Many people (including me) think we have it all figured out. And the fact of the matter is, that even though we think that, or even look it, many times we dont, and God has other plans for us. He's just waiting to reveal them to us. You are young. You have your whole life to be worrying. Enjoy the time now while you have it. Grow in God and the things that are important in life: friendships, love, family, peace, being still. You have the rest of your life to start worrying. Just because society says "Grow up, You're legally an adult" does not mean you have to follow the cookie cutter mold. Be who you are and who God made you to be. I'll be praying for you. Sorry I havent talked to you all weekend. We need to get a group of us
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