Um, this finale, insane. I hated very, very little about it. Three years of Gwen canon in the first 10 minutes. I wish they'd space it out a little more, but I got so much Gwen being badass and all A/G-ed up that I kind of didn't care. Plus, you know, it is canon.
SHE MADE A KEY!!! Finally, not talking about the fact that her father taught her, but getting to show us. So much love writers who can't write for women, so much love.
Leon is a dress was a win. Leon/Morgana KINK may have to happen. Someone get on that.
GAWAIN!!! ELYAN!!! LANCEY BABY!!!! My cup (no pun) overfloweth.
Morgana/Morgause are inappropiate. And this time, it's Morgause's fault. Emilia is still hot though. I heart her.
Um, y'all, I'll fight ANYONE for Percival. Literally, I'll shank someone. I wasn't prepared for him to be this fine, but he is. I want him for Christmas, with nothing on but bow...okay, maybe the sleeveless chainmail.
I can't believe Uther talked about innocent people to Morgana's face. Really? Morgana isn't my favorite person either, but she was going to win that round easily. Why is Uther still alive btw?
Ugh, forced Morgana/Gwen friendship being forced. Gwen is so freakin' smart though. I put my money on her actually running Camelot when she becomes Queen. I love Arthur, but he's smart because he'll pick a boss ass wife.
Gah, Gwen yelling like a Queen. SO HOT!!!
Lance staring inappropiately at Gwen's rear end. I kind of love it. He lost, but it can't hurt to long as Arthur doesn't see.
Gawain is totes jealous of L/M!! That's his first love Gawain. I'll give you a hug if you need one.
Gwen was at the table. Made my life.
Gwen rode her harem back to Camelot. This made even more of my life. WHY CAN'T THERE BE A HAREM BBC? This has stopped being a family show, let's not kid ourselves here.
And Excalibur is in the rock. So poetic, and kind of a perfect ending (although part of me wanted him to go back to the lake to see Freya again. They're adorable).
Epic finale was epic. Well played writers and actors, well played.
Jeremy, I have love for you, but that was SUCH a dumb move. Upside, Bonnie called you out on it. And, he kind of liked it. I love it when that happens.
Stefan, you may be dumber than Jeremy.
Tyler/Caroline may have to happen in my world now. I dig them, and Tyler so could.
Matt is still the most put upon teenager on television. I want to hug him everytime I see him.
PLEASE don't let Luca be bad. This show and PoC, I swear.
I'm sorry, but OG vampire is still Wickham from "Bride and Prejudice" to me. I may have yelled "Lalita, it's always been you" the first time he came on my screen, lol. See, this is how you know I'm obsessed with all things Bollywood related.
Rose is likable, but that means she'll die now (they kill people I like).
I love Alaric, and I love him more shirtless with Chunkey Monkey.
Oh, Bonnie was nowhere near ready. I've never seen her run that fast. That whole exchange worked for me though.
I wish folks would stop volunteering Bonnie for stuff. Can we ask her on a situational basis? Otherwise, it's just selfish and annoying. Oh wait...
I felt terrible for Uncle Hottie seeing him change for the first time. Then I felt bed that I found it hot, lol. Shame on me. I don't want Tyler to go through that though, poor baby.
This show really believes in triangles. Newsflash Kevin Williamson, king of the worst non-triangle,triangle ever (Love Josh Jackson, couldn't stand anyone in that triangle, or that show after a while), there are other ways to create drama. Try having deeper storylines for other characters. Or just give the Bennett's their own show. I like the latter.
Okay, now that that's out of the way, I'm off to finish this oral presentation for Arabic. Pray that I don't blow my entire grade with this thing.