Canceled my WoW account until further notice. Just dont have the time to play anymore what with work, school pending and that whole social life thing. Besides, that 15 bucks a month on my budget just aint cutting it
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Well, the deed is done. Am I happy? No. Am I REALLY upset? No. I'm kinda floating in an emotional purgatory right now. But this is for the best. It wasnt fair to her. And I wasnt happy with the way things were. We're still friends, but it will take time for this to heal over.
...I still feel like a fuckin heal though. Cant change that I
Quantum of Solace was good, not great, but good. Casino Royale was defiantly the better of the two. Oh and NEW STAR TREK AND WATCHMEN TRAILER ZOMG
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Gears 2 is fuckin awesome(havent had the opportunity to play multiplayer). As is Fallout 3(better then Oblivion in most ways, not in all though). Oh and if you didnt figure it out, I own a Xbox 360 now
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Remember to get out there today and wallow in your pseudo-freedoms as we slowly descend into an oligarchical police state. But hey, whatever, we live in a democracy, right? RIGHT
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My Halloween party went well. Besides the beer spilled on my bed and a CERTAIN SOMEBODY not showing up, I had a wonderful time, as did everyone else. I need to be a host more often
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Mike Pasch's left lung collapsed. This is a little over a year after his right did. He'll be fine after surgery, but never will be the same again
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