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Jul 22, 2004 12:35

Yesterday when I got home from work, i was planning on going to bed. I haven't had much sleep because of work, plus I was retty bummed out about Jenny's car. So I get home and I called Johnny-Love<333

He was driving for like 15 minutes and he live in Bakersfield, which you can get to everywhere you need to go in like 3-haha. So I ask...

nic: what aer you doing you crazy kid?
j-love: oh, i am driving somewhere..
nic: where are you going?
j-love oh, um, TORRANCE
nic: [screaming happiness] why didn't you tell me!!
j-love: i wanted to suprise you!!

Oh my lordy<333

I was so damn happy, you have no idea. I love him so much, it's awsome to have someone like him. He is a DOLL<3 So yeah, Jenny him and me talked for like 2 hours..I love that Jenny likes him now, she HATED him before, but now she realizes he is like those one of a kind guys, and she knows how much he cares for me. So I am way happy they like each other!! haha. Anyways, he was yelling at her about Dylan because he doesn't like her with him-I hate them together, but Jenny's happiness is all I care about, ya know. So Jenny..It's way chill, do what makes YOU happy :o)

At like 8:30 Randi cameover and us three went to Rick's. It was so good to see them, I haven't been out in so long! Shaun was like "holy shit NICOLLLE!!!! where the fuck have you been" I missed my Shaun so damn much. He is me<3 I only stayed for like 15 minutes because Johnny-Love called me and I had to go to his Grandmothers house in Torrance. I got lost going there, it sucked, but I finally got there at 10pm, exactly. I saw him, i didn't even park my car, i just out in park..jumped out and gave him the BIGGEST hug and KISS ever<3 It was seriously the best feeling I have ever had. It was g r e a t <33 We went and sat down by the pool and just hugged and kissed for like 2 hours. It was PERFECT. I swear, I feel like I am in a FAIRYTALE<33 He gave me the first note of many<3 I was so stoked. It sucked having to leave though. I follwed him to Billy and T's house becaus eI didn't know how to get home. I pulled up just to give him a kiss and The Yeah Yeah Yeah's came on<3 And we were kissing, and it was like ::perfect:: I fucking love this kid so much<3

I didn't go to work today so I have to stay home ALL DAY AND NIGHT. I fee l like I am 12, but whatever. He is going to come vistit me. TOMORROW...HE WILL BE STAYING WITH ME UNTIL SUNDAY!!! Perfect weekend planned..1st..friday..GET FUCKED UP, and PARTY LIKE CRAZY. Then on Saturday we are going to wake p and Jenny Johnny and I are going to shroom<3 ALice in Wonderland..whaaa <3 Then Saturday get drunk with the fam<3 And Sunday Jenny Him and I are going to Burbank to my mothers boyfriends house to swim and drink and BBQ<3 then sunday night is THE PRISONERS DILEMMA SHOW @ DIPIAZZA'S IN LONG BEACH. We are going to that for sure with Billy and T<3 Then at like midnight he is going back to Bakersfield<3 I can't wait.

J A G <3 N L D
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