5. What's your favorite sexual position? Time for that first LJ confession, I suppose... I'm a virgin, so I don't know. Commence with the teasing...
virgin, virgin, na na na na NA na. just kidding. it's sweet.
22. Most frivolous purchase? Probably the $1000 I've put into my Playstation 2 stuff.
holy SHIT!
41. What kind of first impression do you think you give to people? Guys: "He's funny." Girls: "He's got a great personality. Too bad he's not very good looking."
funny is better than gorgeous any day of the week, and don't you forget it, mister.
As for the playstation stuff, not that it makes much of a difference, but that's what I've spent on it over the course of a year. I just realized that the other day. My parents wouldn't buy me games whenever I wanted when I was little, so I suppose I'm making up for that now.
My roommate never used to play them before he moved in with me. But I rubbed off on him - now he'll play sports and racing games. He won't let me beat his ass at fighting games, though...
Comments 10
virgin, virgin, na na na na NA na. just kidding. it's sweet.
22. Most frivolous purchase? Probably the $1000 I've put into my Playstation 2 stuff.
holy SHIT!
41. What kind of first impression do you think you give to people? Guys: "He's funny." Girls: "He's got a great personality. Too bad he's not very good looking."
funny is better than gorgeous any day of the week, and don't you forget it, mister.
As for the playstation stuff, not that it makes much of a difference, but that's what I've spent on it over the course of a year. I just realized that the other day. My parents wouldn't buy me games whenever I wanted when I was little, so I suppose I'm making up for that now.
i'm the only one in the apt who plays video games. i get addicted to them when they're within reach. we have a PS1.
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