Title: Mornings and Nights
Author: Bo
Pairing: Sakumoto
Rating: PG-13
Genre: The fluffiest fluff that ever fluff'd
Word Count: 1,247
Disclaimer(s): If I owned Arashi, Sho wouldn't be wearing shirts Unfortunately, I don't own Arashi.
Summary: When it comes to something like their own feelings, Jun and Sho are pretty slow. So it takes a bit of time, several
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Comments 7
I've read it before and came across it again and thought 'I didn't comment when I read this the first time?' Sorry for the delay.
I love how sweet you depicted their relationship. I usually don't go for stories without any dialogue, but words were definitely not needed in this case.
You write the best Sakumoto! Thank you so much...
Overall, I find myself really liking your writing <3
A pity you haven't seemed to update your journal for a year but I still haven't read everything~
love your style! It's so well written! the descriptions are too awesome.
you literally had me sqeee-ing.
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