Jun 03, 2008 00:27

Gonadosomatik İndeks, which is called GSI by short. its used to see what season it is when a fish population ...produce...whatever its called.... so they can probably stop the hunting that season, right?

ovarium weight and body weight play a big part because the egg amount varies wiith the fishes weight. so you learn when they ... lay eggs. whatever its called XD; i dont get this. Lets seee.... GSI can be calculated every month like this;

gsi = gonad weight/body weight x100

its to see what season they produce. the fish population that is....

one of the most important criters in fish stock ruling thing is "genusy maturi..zalitation" yay I create words! i meant cinsi olgunluk age and height. that probably means the mature age and height specially for that genus. %50 of the caught fish s first....maturethingie age or height is accepted as the mature height and age.

female fishes maturity can be found out using bowers maturity levels.

they are numbered and ...wtf... uh... i think its like 1 isnt mature at all 2 is sort of mature and 3-4 is mature. its still lame though i remember this from my lab class.

Fekondite= yumurta verimi.

Whatever gravimetric means, they use it to find out how many eggs there are. They find out how much the ovarium weights, then count the eggs which they know how much they weight and then they divide. then they guess how many egg there is. OH I GOT IT. basically its like... 100gr of bag, have 10gr each toys, then there are 10 toys. yey.

this class fails so bad it would make the fish cry for existing.

Fekondite height, fekondite-weight
F=a*L^b and F=a+bW

F= fekondite L= total height W =fish weight
a, b : regresyon katsayıları

For female and male fishes the look for gonats for each maturity level...that 1, 2, 3,4 thing...3 and 4 was mature, i remember...

for males; morphological.
1. testicals are dar şerit halinde, half transparent, blood vein none. hahaha kan damarsız görünümde. beyazımsı yani....
2. testical are slightly round, slightly ...boru şeklinde? the front end is mat white the head of the end is transparent, then white. i was right! it was white! since there isnt any blood veins.
3. the lenght is 3/4 of the body. they get rounder. now blood veins are seeable and its white/gray.
4. testicals are round, totally mat white. (mature??!)
5. testicals are..karışık lop ne lan?!? totally mat, creamy white.
6. even with slight pressure added, sperma drops easily (lmao, how sexy.) , looks like 5.
7. testicals are ... small and buruşmuşun ingilizcesi neydi??!? ahahahhaha. yellowish white.

for females;

1.Ovariums are really small not longer than 1/5 of the body boşluğu. ( lmao half turkish)
usually smaller than 2 cm, looks like sucuk? half transparent and whiteish. eggs are microscobic
2. ovarium is not longer than 1/3 of the body empty place thingie. half trasnparent and the color changes from wine color to mat orange....orange?
3. ovarium isnot more than 1/2. pink ,pinkish, brownish yellow, or tan . eggs are opac and can be seen with eye in good light.
4. ovarium is wider and şişmiş? 3/2 of the body empty place thingie. orangish pink color.
eggs easily seen
5. ovarium is very ....şişmiş XD; fat? lmao whats it calleD??its hard to..pop it? HAHAH. wtf @ my english. im so bored of this subject, i hate female fishes. and male fishes. DD;some eggs are transparent.
6. slight pressure thingie again, the eggs flow off. HAHAH THATS SO DIRTY D;
almost all eggs are transparent.
7. ovarium is pinkish white. loose and small. some over eggs are here&there.

id have to read it again before the exam, morphology of eggs DDDDDDD;
the 6th level is funny.

Hepasomatik index (hsi)
WTF ;(
Indexes never finish.
this time, its fr ...liver.
Liver weight/ body weight x100 = hsi.

its calculated both for sex and season. i guess.

üreme özellikleri....

mezgit balığının ovaryum ve testislerinin ayrımı oldukça basittir. İkisi arasında büyük morfolojik farklar görülmektedir. Ovaryums colors changes from pink to red according to mature level. vücut boşluğunun büyük bir kısmını kaplamaktadır. it has obvious blood veins. belirgin kan damarları mevcuttur. Even some mature fishes even without cutting the ......what is karın called in english anyway? tummy ? LOL.

you can see that its a female that this part is ..şişkin and the anus opening is pink. itsimpossible to tell its a male without opening them. testicals are white, yoğun ve kıvrımlı. they also fill a big space of the body empty thingie.

now there are photographs... uh... YEY. black&white, teacher? ITS CALLED BY TELLING THE COLORS, ND YOUR PHOTOGRAPHS ARE BLACK&WHITE. SMART.

tHEN THERE ARE 3 mezgit with ovariums pulled out. hahah.. black&white D; cheapstake. we gave 20 ytl for our hw ;(

the testicals are more ...egg like. i think. I CANT SEE though.

ohhh, the kalkan fish ovariums are big.

DOOOOOOONE. with the production.

YES, thats how I studied this subject today ♥...
Sorry it was so uneducational 8B;


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