30 Days of the Truth
Day 04 - Something you have to forgive someone for.
I work daily on accepting others as they are and not holding on to the past. If I have to come up with one "resentment" I have it is that I cannot seem to let go of the fact that Rocky's brother (and then the rest of his family backing him up) decided I was NOT family when Rocky had his accident. I try hard to not let it effect my day to day dealings with him (them) but... as everybody knows... I married Rocky only because of our fear of something like this happening again. I cannot seem to let it go - and it has been almost 15 years. I can understand that MAYBE, just MAYBE he was being literal... but then how do I explain how they treated me at the hospital later? Or the fact that they were making plans to take him to Colorado (away from me and the kids)? I am so grateful that when he "woke-up" that he set everybody straight. My heart still jumps into my throat when I think about. I can barely swallow right now. I do not know how to "forgive" him/them. I am more than polite to them, but I just can't seem to let it go. I have prayed, heck... it is one of my most frequent prayers. I would be okay with myself if I could let it go... I don't have to forgive, just let it go. I have let so much other stuff go, why can I not let this go?