30 Days of the Truth
Day 12 - Something you never get compliments on.
This is easy. I never get complimented on my work ethic. I know it is silly to expect a good word for doing what it is right, but doing what is right is not the common these days. I have held the same job for 7-1/2 years. Except when I was pregnant and the first year or so after they were born I have worked. Nothing against full time moms, or dads, but I am not sure I could handle it. I do not skip work to go play or just because I am feeling not so good. I realize that the bonuses from my boss at this job are kind of an acknowledgement, but I also believe that he should vocalize his appreciation for my dedication. He knows how valuable I am to his business, all one has to do is look at the past employees. It is not the norm for people to keep jobs for extended periods of time nor is it the norm for them to have a high attendance rate. I am not talking about high paying careers. I am talking about the run of the mill everyday service jobs. I also think he should say something to our current technician. Both the technician and I have said something to each other. While I am whining about it... I think Rocky (and the kids) should thank me somehow recognize that I work my butt off to support them. I thank them for just about everything they do, but they just take it in stride anything and everything I do, whither it is going to work everyday or something as simple as doing the dishes. DONE! No more whining allowed.