30 Days of the Truth
Day 21 - Your best friend is in a car accident and you two got into a fight an hour before. What do you do?
This is just a silly question in my opinion. Fights/disagreements are temporary, family/friends are not. This is another question that is coming at an interesting time for me. I am on overload with family and totally lost it last week. I am still knitting myself back together. I am so disappointed in myself first and family second. I can't believe that they pushed me to the edge and then right over it, and to rub salt into the wounds, they haven't even bothered to call and check on me. I should know better, I really should. I am still so raw that I cannot call them. I am barely holding myself together and am seriously afraid of what would happen if ANYBODY pushed right now. But the whole point of this question... none of it matters and if they needed me I would be there. The scary part is that I do not believe they would be there for me. Which is besides the point. I do not act as others act, I act as I believe I should. On that note... I know I need to call and apologize for coming completely unglued, I just do think I am capable of doing so right now. I am afraid that I would end up unglued again before it was all over. They honestly act like they did nothing wrong and it is all me. I know it isn't, but I also know that NOTHING excuses me totally losing it, and I need to take care of me first and get all my armor rebuilt before I completely fall apart. Now that I have rambled way off course.... I better quit before I am unfit for work again.