onepassingnight Application

Feb 27, 2011 15:43

Your name: Mitchell
Your journal: beansalad
Contact: AIM/Plurk/Skype: Coolkidmitch
Other characters played at Passing: none at this time

Character name: The Deku Princess
Character fandom: The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask
Version: V1
Canon point: Majora's Mask is a game that takes place in a 3 day time period. Link goes back in time constantly throughout the game to repeat the same 3 days over and over again, trying to save the world of Termina. What I'll be doing is taking the Deku Princess out of this 3 day time cycle. As there are so many different things that will happen in that 3 day time span, depending on what Link happens to be doing that day. Some days the Deku Princess will be trapped in the Swamp Temple for 3 days, and other days she will be free from her captors and spending the rest of the time at the Deku Palace. She will never see the destruction of her world, as at the last second, Link will usually start the time stream over.

Importing development from old game? n/a


Changes from canon, if AU: n/a


The Deku Princess has two very drastic sides to her. Her father, The Deku King, is oblivious to what is going on in the world (perhaps due to the absences of the Deku Queen, of which the King and Princess rarely speak). The Deku Princess was very much the ruling authority of the entire Southern Swamp kingdom. Tutored by the Royal Butler, she learned much of the world she lived in and the long history of the Deku Royal Family. She has become extremely wise and almost runs the Deku Kingdom

During her life, however, she was spoiled much by her father, which brought out a rather spoiled and darker side. The Deku Princess is very wise and very intelligent, but when provoked or angry she lashes out in a very rageful way. The Deku Royal Guard has, unfortunately, seen this vicious side of the Princess. But the Butler had taught her many ways to control her anger and, although she still lashes out from time to time, she has much improved on her temper.

Not much is known about her mother, and this has caused some longing for female companions. The Princess has very few memories because of this she formed a very close bound to the Royal Butler, who practically raised her since she was a young child. During that time she became very close the Butler's son. He was always encouraging her to learn more about other worlds and other races. The Deku King had laid down strict laws that no one other than the Deku could come into the palace. But the Deku Princess was always curious about other races. One day the Butler's son decided to visit Clock Town a few months before the grand festival, promising he would only be gone for a few days.

He never returned.

Expanded Personality

When the Butler's son never returned, it devastated the Princess. Because of her status, she hid her pain. Only when those that remind her of him appear does she show her true emotions. After this she felt like it was up to her. Her father turned into a tyrant and this cause her to take up her own role as a leader. She is head strong and determined and most of the time, easily warms up to people as long as they respect her.

She can be very protective and nurturing of those she is close with. Because she has the royal 'green thumb' she will sometimes treat her friends like plants, tending to them and caring for them. She likes to watch others grow and enjoys helping them along the way. Though her bratty side can easily be calmed, she only acts this way when she has good reason to (or what she think is good reason).

Deku Princess also has an extremely high curiosity. When she is told "Don't go there" she will go. She cannot resist the urge to investigate something. She will easily drop everything to try to figure out a mystery or explore that place in the wood she was forbidden to go to. Her sense of adventure comes from the Butler's son. He always encouraged this and on the inside she sometimes thinks that this will make up for his disappearance. Maybe she would find him? Maybe she would figure out who cause him to vanish. Even though this is not the main reason for her curious side, it is still in the back of her mind wherever she goes.


-Able to shoot Deku Nuts and bubbles out of her mouth (although a Lady rarely does such things).
-She is able to use the various Deku Nuts like seeds and create smaller version of deku plants, such as Deku Babas.
-Can squeeze into very small places, this includes, but is not limited to: Bottles, cracks in walls, tree stumps, and glove compartments.
-Fantastic jumping skills, can jump about 9-15 ft in the air.
-Cannot swim, however can bounce gracefully across the water.
-Can plant herself into the ground, causing it to only look there is a plant in the ground. Excellent for hiding in nature.
-If given the time to plant a Deku flower, she can climb into it and fly into the air for a brief period of time.
-She is also proficient in music, knowing how to play various Deku wind instruments, including the Deku Pipes

Writing sample :

The wind was howling through the temple. It was cold. And had not returned in a day. She wished that the creature would just let her be free but she knew it was not that simple. She had seen the moon. The poison that poured out of the temple and was feeding into the rivers around Termina. Clock town had no clue that their only fresh water source was going to perish. And their allies, the Zora, what would they do? Saltwater?

There was a silent 'thunk' from above and one of the monkeys slipped down and looked at her. It sighed and shook its head. It could not get her free, "It's fine, my friend, try to explain to my father! Or the Butler...if they will let you. Go! I am tired. I need to sleep." The monkey nodded and flipped back up and out of the temple.

It was cold. She found the softest patch of dirt and sat down, leaning against the back of her cage. She wrapped her long ponytail around her. Her eyes felt heavy. It seemed like she had been here forever. It had only been a day. Why was this creature here? Was it the skull kid who brought him here? She was almost sure of it. But now was not the time to worry. She needed her rest. She needed to sleep.

Voice sample: (A later version of the Deku Princess.)

I once saw the end of my world. I dreamed of the moon crashing down, fire scorching even the swamps. But it was stopped, He had saved us. My foolish father did not take notice, even to the moon before. Now that we were saved, I thought of how great the Deku kingdom could be. We opened our doors to all nations, the Gorons, the Zora, even the people of Clock Town. We were all at peace.
But not soon after that wonderful time, it just stopped. It was almost like there was nothing anymore. No more happiness, no more royal dinners with all the tribes of Termina, and no more of the Deku. We were gone. I floated in that darkness for what felt like eternity. I was angry. So angry I could have taken down my entire Royal Guard with just a look. But I realized I was being given a second chance. A chance to become the Ruler the Butler and my Father had always wanted me to be. The one that my mother always dreamed for me to become. Perhaps I will travel for a while. Father has learned his lesson. I can trust him here while I make my way into the world. I just hope that those dreams of the moon do not come back to haunt me...

Requested thread. Apologies on the first two tags from Deku Princess, there were some issues with LJ and it deleted the comments in mid thread. There are only two tags this happened two, and they were reposted down toward the bottom.
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