nice try, Kerry..

Nov 03, 2004 13:26

It was my first time voting this year. I don't know why I did, but maybe the thought of thinking one vote could make a difference kept haunting my mind. Nevertheless, I felt better for voting, because I had a bad feeling all day yesterday until I did vote. For all who don't know, I voted Kerry. Honestly, why did I think he had a chance ( Read more... )

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Comments 4

It is called being count_the_rain November 3 2004, 20:59:08 UTC
Pensive. You've given your heart before, Jen, and had it handed back to you;not in pieces, but bruised badly. It's hard to pick up and try again, take it from one who knows. Don't be hasty, but neither second guess yourself. If it is true, and it feels right, find him and say to him "I love you I love you I LOVE YOU I LOVE YOU! Gods, demons, take note! I love this man. And don't you forget it." And watch his heart come into his eyes.

And, on the other hand, if you are not ready, ask him for patience. I know Ryan in some small way (spiritual spying, perhaps?) and he will do whatever you ask, because I believe in my heart, and my heart is usually right, that this guy really does Care about you, with a capital C. Trust in him to be understanding, and when the time is right, see option A in the previous paragraph.

I love you.


Re: It is called being bottomofthedark November 4 2004, 12:15:34 UTC
Yeah, I guess that could be the reason. And... you've been secretly spiritually spying on my Ry?? How dare thee! Lol, I knew you'd do something like that. Sneak.

Thanks, Mike.


Just a thought. cymbrogi November 6 2004, 10:12:17 UTC
Ya know the old saying actions speak louder than words? Well you may be one of those people who subconsciously let their actions speak for them when you are with a special someone. Just because you do not verbally say it doesn't mean you don't get the point across...... like I said just a thought so feel free to tell me off if I don't make any sense.



Re: Just a thought. bottomofthedark November 6 2004, 10:34:20 UTC
Buddy! You make much sense. I think you're right, you turd. Thank you for the advice, I appreciate it.


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