I want to leave you alone but your dumbass won't let me...
And you say that you want me to, but really, do you?? You always act like do you but do you reallly??? I'm letting you know, after this weekend you are GONE.. I've already blocked you from everything of mine and after I get what you owe me and get the last thing of yours away from me, I will no longer know your phone number, I will no longer care to think of you or be concerned about you.. It's time for me to be a hard ass bitch, and I don't care.. Fuck you... Fuck you and your lies.. You aren't worth a shit anyway because you can NEVER be happy with what you have. NEVER. People treated you right and you still mistreat them. People offered you everything that they had, every PART of themselves and what did you do?? Mistreat them! So Here's a big fuck you, in hopes of course that you won't, can't and shan't read this because YOU ARE BLOCKED STUPID ASS. Why can't I ever just say these things to you?! You ruined MY LIFE! You STOLE it AWAY... Had it worked out the way that I wanted it to WHEN I was under you mindgame I wouldn't be here to write this right now, Yes, I'd have been gone.. Thank God that I have friends that care about me, something that you told me that I didn't have, true friends. Well, Stupid.. I DO.. I'm so tired of your mind games.. "Wah wah wah, I'm sorry, I lied, especially to you.. Forgive me? I'm your only friend" But the very next day, what happened?? You LIED again..You played your stupid tricks again... WHY? Why the hell do you get so mad at yourself because you have to live a lie? YOU DO IT TO YOURSELF!!! Here I am feeling like shit because you treat me like shit, thinking I don't deserve better, and all the while it's because you hate yourself... Well.. FUCK YOU!! You can't do that to me anymore.. You are NO LONGER a care or a worry in the world to me... I dont' care if you hate yourself.. I didn't ruin your reputation, you did it yourself.. STOP LYING TO PEOPLE... STOP PITTING PEOPLE AGAINST EACH OTHER.. JUST STOP...You don't give people a chance to KNOW people before you fill their heads with lies about them... You start SO MUCH SHIT!! Why do you have to be a "drama queen??" I have people that hate me that I didn't even know existed because of your ass.. WHY?! It doesn't matter because if they are going to believe a word you say they might as well be listening for a train while they are on the damn Titanic... Fuck the drama, fuck you... Just get me what's mine because I don't want ANYTHING TO DO WITH YOU ANYMORE.. If anything, just be a man of your word... So that I won't have to worry about shit anymore... Because if you aren't a man of your word, why would anyone else want to talk to you??? Hmm... That's right... THEY WOULDN'T... I'm so mad at you I could spit.... Just be happy that you aren't here...