Yue is a friendly, and generally charismatic person, and generally fairly easy to make friends with, initially. She is a bit starved for genuine friends, so her link rises quickly until Rank 5. At which point, one runs headlong into Yue's tangled mass of self-worth issues and harshly repressed resentment towards her older sister, making it more difficult going from there.
Yue has been trained to speak formally and politely, and when she's feeling awkward or doesn't know a person well, she falls back on this. The more comfortable she is with someone, the more informal she becomes, eventually speaking completely in casual and rather masculine speech (although there's no good way to transliterate that to English). Her manners also deteriorate, although her charisma and general willingness to help others remains.
The Rank 10 gift for Yue's Social Link is a Jade Earring.
00: Fool:
Furusato Marina: Leader # 1. Yue's well aware of Marina's charisma, and is still rather wary of it, but in the end...it's hard not to trust her. Marina is very understanding, and Yue supposes that depending on her a little is probably alright.Link Rank: 5
Arisato Minato: Minato has the same charisma and magnetism Marina has, but he is quieter, and seems to be more laid back than his female counterpart. He's also a bit of a derp, in Yue's opinion, but he's reliable enough. Link Rank: 3
01: Magician
Nakamura Saya, 'Aki': Yue is, of yet, a little unsure what to make of Aki. She's clearly a good friend of Alejandro's, and she seems to have the best of intention, but her manner and way of speaking is just a little bit confusing. Aki's logical approach to things is a little at-odds with Yue's fiery temper, but she finds herself fond of the littlest zombie. This, of course, means she's worrying about her more often than not.
Link Rank: 4
02: The High Priestess
03: The Empress
04: Emperor
05: The Heirophant
Kitanji Ken'ichi: The last of the roommate trio--Yue only just met him over golden week, but she can see that he is a good friend for Alejandro. She admires his care for his cousin (although she somewhat pities him, too), and Yue's a little sorry that he's gotten involved in the mess in the underside.
Link Rank: 1
06: Lovers
07: Chariot
Kuzuki Isao: Yue isn't quite sure what to make of the man. He means well, she knows that much...but he also reminds her of the biker gangs she alternately used to beat up and blackmail for liking her sister. So it's a little confusing, but since he handles Yukiko, he's a little something of amazing to Yue. Isao is someone Yue finds herself a little envious of--confident, and comfortable in his own skin, no matter what. She does enjoy his company, and she's curious about where he learned to fight... Link Rank: 3
08: Justice
09: The Hermit
Akihara Neneko: Yue finds Neneko absolutely adorable. Neneko pretty much pings Yue's love for cats hard, and the fact that the girl is almost helpless pings Yue's desire to protect. She's not sure why Neneko thinks she's a monster, but as far as she's concerned, it doesn't matter. If the little one's in trouble, she'll be sure to help. Link Rank: 2
10: The Wheel of Fortune:
Alejandro Guardia y Roa Calderón: Yue didn't expect to fall in love so quickly, or so hard, but she doesn't regret doing so. Alejandro's apparent disregard for his own safety worries her, and she suspects that what happened to his sister has something to do with it--but no matter what it is, she'll protect him at all costs. ♥
Link Ranking: 8
11: Strength
12: The Hanged Man:
Miyagi Chiharu, 'Paru': Why oh why is Paru never wrong? It's almost a little suspicious, how much Paru was right about so many things regarding both Yue's feelings, and the motivation of her father. Even so, she knows Paru has her back, even if her insistence on sticking Yue in skimpy outfits is rather...embarrassing.
Paru ends up being one of Yue's closest friends...ever. She knows Paru is a much better person than she pretends to be...and while she seems to still have issues to work through, Yue's got her back. Now if only she could find someone right for her...
Link Ranking: 6
13: Death
14: Temperance
15: The Devil
Izumi Kaede: Yue's older sister. Given Yue's inferiority complex hides a massive amount of resentment that's only fed further by Kaede's awakening, and that she's somewhat aware of Kaede's hitting on Alejandro, she doesn't particularly think well of her, a fact that is becoming less and less repressed.
Still, she's family, and Yue will protect her regardless of her own opinions. Link Rank: 2, reversed.
Rosalinda Faulkner: Yue finds her kind of adorable. She does see what Yuki likes about her...she just hopes Linda can actually manage to completely break her childhood friend's stepford.
Link Rank: 1
16: The Tower
17: The Star
Morizawa Chieko: From the beginning, Chieko and Yue share a lot of interests. In Chieko, Yue sees a person she very much admires--someone who has fought and won against the hardest possible outcome, in her mind, and seems to be happy for it. She knows that whatever is in between Michi and Chieko is difficult, but she wishes them both the best. She'll support Chieko 100% in this, because to her, Chieko deserves it.
She's also perfectly willing to break Mibae for her, but that's neither here nor there. Link Rank: 4
18: The Moon
Sakakibari Shino: Yue finds Shino a strange child, that much is true. But he's very sweet, if a little out of it, and horribly cute. Yue can't help but want to protect him. With the revelation of Shino's sight, Yue is more worried about his safety. Someone like him shouldn't be involved.
Link Ranking: 2
Idane Yuki: Yuki is someone Yue has known since childhood, being another member of a super-rich family. While the Izumi and Idane family are business rivals, Yue has never much cared for the politics of it, and often uses Yuki as an errand runner to get her art supplies and the like. She's surprised to see he has a persona, but Yue's well aware there's plenty about Yuki she doesn't know.
Link Ranking: 1
Fukui Michi: To be honest, Yue doesn't know her as anything more than Chieko's 'friend'. She seems polite enough, but something seems a little off. In any case, that's none of her business.
Link Ranking: 1
19: The Sun
20: Judgement
Fujiwara Yukiko: Yue is often irritated by Yukiko's manner, but she does find the older girl's bluntness to be refreshing. She knows Yukiko to be honest, and so she doesn't begrudge her...manner. Yukiko is also a good fighter, so Yue can respect her for this.
Link Rank: 3
21: The World
*Misc: Basically, Yue should have a link with the following, but I can't find their arcana. :|b
No one!
If you think your character should be on here and isn't, poke me and I'll fix it. Eventually.