Apr 12, 2005 19:02
Welly welly well well. had a fun evening alone at B&N doing history and getting a caffeine high. I dont want to take the tes tomorrow, especially not with an essay, they suck, I've never gotten above a 87% on one. And I need to go study some more.
Jan 05, 2005 18:23
What does everyone else use as a training program during the "off"-season (we all know there really is no off from climbing)? I have my own combination of hangboard and lifting but would like to hear other people's ideas.
Dec 19, 2004 21:10
A) Recommend to me:
1. movies.
2. books.
3. musical artists.
4. a livejournal user not on my friends list. eh. id rather not.
B) Ask me 3 questions, no more, no less. Ask me anything you want. Then to go to your journal, copy and paste this, allowing your friends (including myself) to ask you anything.