Apr 19, 2006 23:07
I quadruple stole this. Reply!!
reply to this post, and i'll tell you one or a lot of reason[s] why i like/love/adore you. then put this in your own journal, and spread the joy!
I am totally of task. I should be doing my homework. Shemeh. Thanx Kirby for your amazing vocabulary; I love that word! Shmeh.
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Comments 10
abababababa anytime!
i love the word shmeh too, i say we should make a fan club for people who love the word shmeh and use it entirely too much...
i'm totally off task too... i'm supposed to be doing p 893 or w/e palmer assigned but poetry bores me SO.
so here i am abababaab.oh dear, i just realized i've got more work than i anticipated... oh well.
speaking of absolutely nothing, what be your sn yo?
mine is LeKirbxOx.
1. You me laugh when you surprise me in the morning...or whenever you see me
2. Because you had an amazing party!!!
3. Because you like llamas!
4. Because you are CRAZY talented.
5. Because you use words like shmeh and famazing!
6. Because you also make palmer's class more bearable.
7. Because I love your name.
8. Because you love Pei Wei.
9. Because you are just Kirbaceously famazing!
now getting back to the hw that i'm supposedly doing :-p
and my s/n is bounky17
and boo on homework!
and good luck with your fashion show business tonight, although i will miss you terribly, becuase i love you!
2. Because you make me laugh!
3. Because you let me borrow your belt.
4. Because you throw awesome parties (even though I'm not allowed to go most of the time...)
5. Because you leave me comments when I go away.
6. Because you give really good hugs
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