
May 30, 2008 14:08

1) I hate my Job. Today I decided I'll start looking for a new one. YEAH! Anyway... I'll try.

Seeley Booth. I don't know why I have this one in particular... But I have a huge crush on David Boreanaz since ever. And he looks funny on this one.

I don't think it needs explaining. It's funny. That's all. Gay subtext is always welcome.

This is Alice from The L Word. I love her character. And I love that show. About as much as I hate Queer as Folk. Both versions.

This is Kiba from Naruto. I've been going to Anime North for 3 years now. It's a manga/anime convention. And I'm not in any manga/anime fandom. I don't even really watch any anime or read any manga. But it's fun. And I thought I should have an Icon for it. So he's my favorite character from a manga I haven't finish.

I love Buffy. And now Joss is making a sequel in comics. This is Xander. I've never used it, but he's cute.

OMG! This is my favorite icon of all! Every time you masturbate, god kills a kitten. But like 10 times better.
3)I got your card puszysty  !!! Thank you! And yeah for mail that isn't bills!


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