xxviii. tutorial - v

Jul 28, 2012 20:38


My Ask the Maker thread is here if you have any burning questions you need answered.  If anything in this tutorial isn't clear enough, don't be afraid to ask me about it. ♥

My computer crashed before I could save the psd for this particular icon, so I've tried my best to recreate it.  I started off with this screencap which I resized and cropped down to this and then I inverted it.

Next I took this screencap and resized it to this size.

I made this my base, and then I masked out the center of the clock.

Clip a color balance layer to the clock layer. I only adjusted the midtones (+45, 0, -5).

Duplicate the layer with Vs mask, and set it to screen. Paint over any spots (not on the mask) that aren't black.

Create a color fill layer (a80c1e) and set it to screen.

Duplicate V again, and drag the duplicate layer above the new color fill layer. Set it to soft light.

Set a color fill layer (fbd2d2) to multiply and mask it so that it covers the square but not the circle.

Using this screencap, mask out everything but the rose. Clip a brightness/contrast layer to the rose (brightness: 135, contrast: 15) and merge the two layers together. Duplicate the rose 3 times and position them towards the bottom.

Resize this image and set it to screen.

comments make the world go round
credit bourbonate or fuuurs
don't do anything stupid


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