vse sem ze preiskala & ne najdem je. torej nimam drugih moznosti. ni res, da ni nikoli prepozno. nimam krone, baby. res me preseneca, kako znas ti vse to kar opisujes cutiti, najti.
srce je samo metafora, pravzaprav misica. ne cutim s srcem. custva nastajajo v glavi & prav smesno je, da jih lahko sami kontroliramo & si jih izmisljujemo. sreca je samo zacasna, nic ne traja. celo droge enkrat popustijo & ne ustvarjajo prijetnih obcutkov. (overdose) optimizem me je popolnoma zapustil. nothing waits forever i missed my train already
hi my friend diamond_sea and me are making the second number of our zine peces en el pelo and we'd like to know if maybe you'd be interested in submiting some of your work. the only requirement is that it has to be black and white.
most of my photos are colorful, but i can steal edit them. but i'm not sure if my work is near to being enough good for submitting. anyway i would like to.
we both saw your photos in your journal and we really like them. please, if you decide to submit, send us a mail to: lalalove@hellokitty.com with the photograph (photographs if you want us to choose from)
it is very hard to pick. i really don't know what to send. i will think about it & email you if i decide, but i would prefer if you or her picked whatever you like.
Comments 75
cos no where else you won`t find it
it starts within,
so look there
it`s not 2late,
just.. never it`s 2 late.
put your crown on your head.
and make a new step, closer to yourself,
your own beauty, gifts, and happiness.
its all there, waiting 4 you to discover it.
open your heart, and u`ll notice, that there are things you didn`t know they are,
.. they are still waiting for you..
ni res da stvari ne obstajajo, ce jih ne mores videt, ali pa trenutno ne verjames da so, jih ne opazis..
everything takes time : )
nothing waits forever
i missed my train already
zaj pa nea vem.. ce naj ga jaz vun na kavo povabim ?!
nevem, navada je, da fant povabi dekle
ti si lahko moderno dekle & stopis korak naprej
(i like the photo very much)
thanks a lot
(you offer me support without knowing)
my friend diamond_sea and me are making the second number of our zine peces en el pelo and we'd like to know if maybe you'd be interested in submiting some of your work.
the only requirement is that it has to be black and white.
please, if you decide to submit, send us a mail to: lalalove@hellokitty.com with the photograph (photographs if you want us to choose from)
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