You're vietnamese? That alone makes you my favorite person on my LJ friend list :)
My vietnamese absolutely sucks. I can say a few things like Thua Bac (not even sure on the spelling here), Ban khoe khong?, Toi ten la Cat, and I can count to ten. I catch a few things here and there when people speak it. Well I used to anyway, I'm not sure anymore.
If only it were this easy to be everyone's favourite! LOL
Well, if you're ever stuck in an elevator with an older Vietnamese person that you need to be polite to and introduce yourself to, you're set. Then you can hope that they're going somewhere between the 1st & 10th floor so you can wow them with your knowledge! *grins*
Comments 122
are we friends now? ;P
anyone home? *waves*
*love* Luke and Lorelai!
please say you still love me, or i'll cry.
My vietnamese absolutely sucks. I can say a few things like Thua Bac (not even sure on the spelling here), Ban khoe khong?, Toi ten la Cat, and I can count to ten. I catch a few things here and there when people speak it. Well I used to anyway, I'm not sure anymore.
Well, if you're ever stuck in an elevator with an older Vietnamese person that you need to be polite to and introduce yourself to, you're set. Then you can hope that they're going somewhere between the 1st & 10th floor so you can wow them with your knowledge! *grins*
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