What would you do if the door bell rang and it was Lil' Wayne?
Ohhhhhh god be so frightened but maybs talk to him and def have him meet me grandpa HA
Do you have a reason to smile right now ?
Of course, I iz alive
Have you ever woke up next to someone and were freaked out ?
That is false
What was the last thing you purchased ?
A reservation for a hostel
Are you looking forward to anything ?
The trip that will involve said hostel, among others obvs. Um, I was always under the impression that hostels were free and that was way backpackers etc would stay in them. This is FALSE. They are sometimes comparable to hotels. Anyway, moving on...
Has any one said they loved you today?
I just did because this question reminded me that my mom never called me back and I get so worried because she NEVER does not call me back but she is fine and said I love you so ha
Who was the last person of the opposite sex you had a conversation with ?
What are you wearing on your feet ?
My fake ugg slippers that I use too much
How many times do you talk on the phone a day on average ?
Do you usually have weird dreams ?
OMG you have no idea, I'm so happy Watchmen hasn't interfered in my dreams yet. The other night I was lying next to Philip Seymour Hoffman who was naked and i was thinking about how interesting it is that because he is such a good actor people bypass his large (and apparently hairy)-ness. wow. overshare.
Do you like your bed?
Sooo very much
What song is stuck in your head ?
"I'm Bored, You're Amorous" Dear and the Headlights
Has anyone gotten on your nerves lately ?
Oh you know it, today was fairly fine though
Are you afraid of change ?
In the way that I can't plan for it or make sure it include the things/people I want
Does your family own a business ?
Are you on medication for anything ?
quadruple truth!
Do you like scented candles?
meh whatevs I'm not loco for them
Did you have a good birthday this year ?
yes it was nice and about as classy as a 21st can get, aka not so much
Are you tired right now ?
Where are you going on vacation next ?
home if you count it, europe if you're lookin for a real answer
Have you ever told someone of the opposite sex you loved them and meant it?
What were you doing at 8:00 this morning ?
making deals with myself about how much more I could sleep in, then eventually getting up
Three words to explain why you last threw up?
honestly this is the third time this question has been entered into a survey.
Do you care if your boyfriend/girlfriend drinks?
No but I would if it was bad news bears when he did
Have you ever tattooed anyone's name on you ?
Do you think your current pets will be alive ten years from now?
omg rileyyyyyy I hope so, he will be old though
Wanna get married ?
to the right man yes, preferably bearded
Are you a social person ?
yes when I'm comfortable, if I'm alone you would think I am a lil meek ass mouse
Do you like Ramen noodles ?
again, I am not loco for them, or their large amount of sodium
Who were you with Sunday night ?
hm sunday, last night? what did I do!? I just procrastinated a lot by myself
Did you go to church Sunday morning ?
supa false
Does laundry really need to be separated ?
if you have that luxury
Have you ever gotten locked in a trunk of a car ?
many a time, so fun!.....until it isn't anymore
Have you ever really loved someone ?
yes yes in so many ways, but in the way you mean yes