My mind today has been PROGRAM, CODE, SYNTAX, EXAM, MAGIC, MAGIC, MAGIC, MUSIC, MAGIC, TV, CODE, CODE, DYING, SLEEP, MEME, SLEEP. So, of course, before I listen to that last "SLEEP" one, I'm gonna do that meme thing that Ellen or something got, I don't even know anymore. Woo.
LJ - 10 5 Interests meme!
1. Magic - Because, obviously, I hate money AND normal human interaction, so it's a perfect fit!
2. Programming - I love creating things... I'm not good at drawing, and I'm not so musically inclined, but I love making practical things I can use, so it makes me happy.
3. Psychology - I've always been interested in the human mind for some reason. I want to know why people think what they do, then maybe I'll come to have a little more understanding of how things work, I guess.
4. Chinese History - On page 2000 of my book, I have become really, really interested in the history around 150-300 AD (or CE, for you heathens :P) So much stuff!
5. Sleep - Okay, the muscle relaxants are kicking in so I'm gonna go to bed now before I fall down.