I totally agree with all of your comments ESPECIALLY the epilogue. It totally felt like either the publisher was like "oh JK write something to finish these characters out" lame even though I was glad that they all got together and had babies. I also felt like the first half of the horcruxes search was loooooooong. Lots of tempers, not finding anything out, and wondering about who the real dumbledor was. But I loved it too, even if it was the end
i agree 100% with everything you said...Literally all of it, The twins are my favorite, I definitely threw the book across the room when I got to the part where she killed fred. And I agree about the epilogue, I could have done without it, we all knew who would get together, I would have liked it left to the imagination.
YAY for applying for your MLS!!!!!!! You will be the best librarian in the history of libraries!!!!!!!!!!!
Yeah I think I slammed the book shut when Fred died. I still say that was a little harsh! Thanks for your congrats on the MLIS degree. Hopefully they will let me in. When do you start your new job? Someone called me to do a character reference on you, and of course I told them you were as evil as the day is long! I believe those were my exact words! Ha Ha Just Kidding
lol, everyone of my references keeps telling me that...hmmm....weird :) Jason said he told them I hated children and wanted them all to die, which you know, is kind of true, but beside the point:D
Comments 8
even though I was glad that they all got together and had babies. I also felt like the first half of the horcruxes search was loooooooong. Lots of tempers, not finding anything out, and wondering about who the real dumbledor was. But I loved it too, even if it was the end
YAY for applying for your MLS!!!!!!! You will be the best librarian in the history of libraries!!!!!!!!!!!
I start tuesday.
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